
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

At the crack of dawn tomorrow me and Jax head to the hospital for a procedure. He is having his GJ tube replaced, and some scopes to look at his stomach and intestines. She is going to try and see if his nissen is intact. Pray that it is obviously not, because that will force GI to agree to fix it. I'm tired of the blue baby episodes!
Prayers are appreciated, anesthesia is never safe with him, even with the trach. This hospital has never seen him before, and I'm quite anxious that no one called to get his history today before the procedure. He's not a kid that you can just jump into a procedure with! He should be home tomorrow evening. Should being the keyword!
We'll see what happens.
That is, if I can get myself out of bed and to the hospital by 6am!!


  1. We are praying for Jaxson and his doctors right now.

  2. I hope it all goes well... My Jaxon recently had open heart surgery at 10 weeks of age in Australia... Thinking of you! x

  3. Hoping all goes well with Jaxsons surgery. My little Jaxon had open heart surgery last month to repair his large AVSD recently.... Take care x

  4. Thinking of you guys and praying all goes well!

  5. lots of prayers today hope it all goes smoothly. Junior has his GJ replaced tomorrow but no sedation.

  6. Interesting that every single doctor in TWO states is, to you, horrible awful and unable to care for your child. There's no question that there are terrible MDs out there... but They can't all be that bad. Have you considered that maybe YOU are the problem? You certainlytween to be the common denominator.

  7. Anonymous, Im sure you know that when I get home from the hospital I will be checking your URL to find out not only who you are, since you are too afraid to say, but so I can block you! Don't you love technology!
    Im interested because no where in this post did I say that I hated all of Jax doctors. I didn't hate all of Jax doctors in Utah either. But good doctors still don't listen sometimes, and since I know every inch of him, it's my job to make sure he gets everything he needs. Pediatricians are a different story. I am looking for the perfect person, because they will be my partner, and we have to mesh well together. I had the perfect ped in utah, so I have very high expectations. I dont expect you to understand, unless you have a fragile child yourself, and I'm sorry that you feel you have to anonymously bash other people!

  8. Lace,

    Send me your anonymous friends' ISP and I'll send it to my guy. We can then see if your tracker and my guy matches up. What would the odds be?

    TAKE A SCREEN SHOT of everything and save it.

    Tammy and Parker

  9. Lace,

    Send me your anonymous friends' ISP and I'll send it to my guy. We can then see if your tracker and my guy matches up. What would the odds be?

    TAKE A SCREEN SHOT of everything and save it.

    Tammy and Parker
