
Monday, February 6, 2012

Arina's new boyfriend!

First of all, before you go any farther, click here and go vote for Arina for the most beautiful baby. Click on the second question, and it will bring up the baby names. Just click on Arina's name!
Go on, we'll wait....done? Ok, now you may continue!

Yesterday was truly an amazing day. We went to Disneyland, and finally took Arina and Jax to see the Disney Junior show. We sat right behind a lady and a Down syndrome boy. When the lady noticed Arina, of course she just went nuts! We started talking, his name is Jonathon, and the lady was actually his sister. She cares for him now that his parents are gone.
The best thing, she didn't just care for him because he is her brother and its her job to take care of him. She truly loves being his caregiver, and she told me they come to Disneyland a couple days a week! Everyone at Disneyland knows them, which is how I think it will become for us. There are a few people that already know us!
Jay has a lot of medical problems, and doesn't have much speech, but the way he interacted with Arina was just too cute. He kept saying baby, and kept giving her kisses. Then he would try to pinky swear with her, because that's his sign for best friends! We exchanged facebook pages, so we can stay in touch, and I'm in love with this sweet boy!
So our kids aren't contributing to society?? Is life all about how much money you can make, and who has the bigger car or best job? I beg to differ. Its about friends, family, and how much fun you can have! We would have never met had it not been for Down syndrome!

Now how cute are these two?


  1. So sweet!!! And I voted... :-)

  2. We LOVE Johnathan. Everytime we go th Disneyland we see him. We usually see at the Jedi training camp and he justs eats his lunch and then goes up and participates in the show. I love how all the cast members love him.

  3. OMG, how adorable. Your daughter is so cute!! I love her expressions, they make me smile. I know how much you like disneyland, you should download the disneyland app, its free. Its one of the top rated apps. When you open the app, go to the Small World and click on the little mouse and it will play its a small world. If you have problems, email me and I can walk you through it. Take care, Nicole from Rosemead, CA

  4. i voted for Arina (:

  5. Well my friend for once in your Life you are dead wrong! Your kids are contributing to sociaty, maybe not with money like you said but they are by far the most loving, and comical kids in the world! I think the world could do with more bright spots in it like these! No?

  6. This is quite possibly the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Made my day.
