
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Let the freak out begin!

Ok, this blog is about 30 seconds away from being put on private until I can have someone help me watermark my pictures and make it so they can't be copied. Some creep has stolen pictures of little Down syndrome girls and put them on his site. Here is the original post. My friend emailed me and told me that she saw Arina on there. I've been there and seen other friends children, and I'm contacting them now. This is utterly disgusting!
Not only do we have creepy people leaving nasty messages on adoption blogs, now this.
By the way, nasty message leaver, I've been given a tracker that has been put on my blog so I can track the URL's of these comments. People are tired of getting them and are bound and determined to put a stop to it! They've already contacted the police and internet task force, who is the one that gave us the tracker!
So that comment you just left, has already been tracked! Thanks!

Friend, I do have photoshop!


  1. I have a tutorial on how to put watermarks on my blog, email me if you'd like it. OR you could email me all of the pictures you want watermarked and I would GLADLY do it.

    I hope you don't have to put your blog on private. I know there are many people like me who LOVE to read it...people you don't even know who do because we are lurkers.

    I'm happy to help you in any way I can. I'm sorry you've had haters. They are trolls and there's a special place in hell for them.

  2. This makes me angry and sad! I love getting to follow blogs that help me in my journey as a mom with children with special needs. Why these creeps do this is beyond me. Anyways, hang in there and hopefully you will find a solution, so your blog can stay open for mom's like me!

  3. We just had a speaker at church talk about how dangerous the Internet is especially for kids. It makes am sick! I am so sorry, technology is both the blessing and the curse I guess.

    I love your blog and so enjoy reading about your sweet kids.

  4. I can't help but wanted to send hugs :( :( what creeps!

  5. no idea how to help, but it looks like Lexi does!

  6. I don't know how to put a watermark on pictures but I googled disabling right clicks and also how to stop people from left clicking to enlarge the picture in another window. It works! If you can't find the link feel free to email me and I'll find it for you.

  7. Coming out of lurkdom to say "how disgusting"! Your blog is one of my favorites. I hope you catch the creep and I REALLY hope you don't have to go to private.

    I don't have a special needs child, but my late brother-in-law was born differently abled. Your children are adorable! It's horrible to think that someone would take advantage of your willingness to share a part of your life!

  8. Ugh! So annoying! If you do have to go private--could I get an invite? I'm LDS and working on adopting. I love your blog--and your adoption story!

    mmpson at gmail dot com


  9. I would be very sad to see your blog go private, as I love to keep up to date with Jax and Arina, and hopefully in the future baby Ruth, but I can certainly understand why you would want to go down this path. Your children are precious and beautiful and you need to protect them any way you can.

  10. i don't understand why people have to take pictures of peoples kids. seriously if they arent your children they shouldn't be taking the pics unless they have permission too. i hope you can figure out how to waterpark your pics so no one can take anymore of your pics.

  11. I really hope you don't have to make your blog private; I love reading it so much! I'm so sorry your pictures are being stolen and I hope you can come up with a solution!

  12. Grrr... I hate the trolls!! :( I would miss you if you had to go private. I've been following since before you went to bring Arina home...

  13. I'm also coming out of lurk mode to say that I hope you don't have to go private. It's so sad that we live in a world where there are such creeps and trolls. I hope you find some sort of fix that makes it more difficult for people to take your photos. I've enjoyed your journey since you brought your beautiful baby girl home and hope to be able to read about your future journey with Ruth.

  14. I love your blog for the pureness of your heart and your humor. You really make be advocate for my little ones. Thank you for all that you have given this quiet mouse. I hope you do not have to go private...however, that person is SICK! As for the haters, get a life away from this wonderful family!

  15. Watermarking is very easy with Picasa.

    I sound like an ad but everyone I know uses Picasa loves it. You can tag people (or not), sort by location/year/people, make slide shows, and edit pictures.

    Here's the link to download Picasa:

    And here are the directions to add watermarks:

    Once you upload to your web album, you can link/insert that to your blog. You can also set your web album to any level of privacy that you want.

    I hope that helps. I love your blog and it would be a shame for your story to go underground because of some jerk.

  16. I am so sorry you have to go through this crap. I used to watermark my pictures but I think I shall start again. It makes me angry and sad at the same time.

    I am glad you have a way to track those comments. People can be so cruel.

  17. Oh Lacey, I'm so sad. :( I didn't even know this kind of thing happened really. I knew you kept your comments for approval for posting them because some people are just mean (though it's sad that you even have to read them, and really, you are protecting those people anyway because you know all your blogger friends would be all over them if we could see their comments!) ;) But, what is going on with this stuff with someone taking pictures of Arina? Do we even want to know what they are doing with them?? :((((( super sad. I'm sorry there are such bad people in the world and you have to deal with them when all you are is GOOD. Sending love!


    or just add text and change the opacity to the text layer to below 100% :)

  19. Lacey please don't go private, I was so looking forward to following your new adoption! I hope you can get the problem solved without having to do this.

    Much love and blessings
    E x

  20. I am a lurker who loves reading your blog. I pray when you ask and smile when you post great updates. You are one of the reasons that we hope to adopt overseas someday when we are able. Thank you for sharing so openly with us. Most of your blog readers are genuine and I am sorry there are those other "ugly" people in the world.

  21. Open a new HTML/Java Script Gaget and Paste all the info from the following web site in the box. This will prevent right clicking and copying of the pictures.

  22. I'm hoping you don't have to go private either. These creeps are everywhere. Someday they will get what is coming to them. This is one of the reasons you won't ever see pictures of my kids on the internet. It truly is sad!! Hugs and love

  23. I to am a lurker from london in the UK and love this blog. Shame that some people in this world are such creeps, hope you can stop this and keep this lovely blog open.

  24. Wow... I´m brasilian... and a nice "blog stalker" But it sucks to see this going on... I am always reading about the kids... cause simply I long to adopt a child wih DS. Being a special need smom my self, of a preemature baby boy ho is now 6, reading online helps me not to feel so utterly alone. When I followed your link to ... it was horible to see someone from allthe way over here, doing such horible thigs. Just leaving a msg, to let you know that I am the nice brasilian blog stalker that always ants to see how the adorable Jax and Arina and the soon to be new addition are doing! =D

  25. That's terrible but I've found a lot of bloggers have had to watermark their pictures because this is something that happens more often than we think. I hope something can be done. There are some creepy folks out there!

  26. How could anyone leave horrible remarks about adoption? Sometimes, I think those people want the attention, no matter how they get it. Your children are blessed to have you for a parent!


  27. ((Hugs)) Some people just have no life. They steal pics and leave nasty comments. Maybe it's the same person!

  28. I am also a lurker from London, UK. such a shame some people act the way they do, I hope you get something sorted. I really enjoy following your journey and hope you don't have to go private.
