
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pictures tonight

Tonight I'm going to get on my laptop and get some pictures loaded. Lots to post.
Yesterday we went to sweet Emily's birthday party. Met lots of new friends.
Today we are going to hit Disney, hopefully its not to crazy because the CHOC walk was this morning.
i'm finding out about more programs here that Jax will qualify for, and his sats have been the best they've been in a long time! This move really was the best thing for him.
If you have a child with bad lung disease and/or pulmonary hypertension, and you live in high altitudes like Utah, I highly recommend moving to sea level. In just a week I already see a difference!
Pictures tonight, promise!
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  1. Lacey, I'm so glad Jaxon is fairing better at sea level! That is fantastic news! And I can't wait to see pics.

  2. What great news on the sea level. Hope CA suits him well!

  3. that is great news. I have been told by all of Wills cardios (here in and Boston) no high altitudes. I didnt know where you lived before, for some reason I thought it was Oregan....anyway, glad to here he is doing so well and praying for healing in those lungs!

  4. After all y'all have been through, I'm glad it is helping Jax!
    How about a house? How is that going?

  5. What is this? A Guilt trip?? Now I feel bad for J...BRAT!! I miss you tons!
