
Sunday, October 9, 2011

First ER glance, way too soon!

30 seconds after arriving in California, I pulled Jax GJ tube out when getting him out of the car. The balloon was deflated, so it may have been bad, but now our first stop even before a shower is our new ER. Not really the first stop I wanted to make!
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  1. Oh no! Welcome to California and I hope it gets better from here out soon!

  2. Poor little guy. :( I know that isn't fun for any of you. Will be praying!

  3. Oh man Lacey. :( keep us posted. And welcome home. Sorry!

  4. You guys know how to have some fun don't you? Hope the ER is awesome and takes great care of him quickly and you are happily on your way home!

  5. Welcome home...huh!! Nothing like breaking it in early! I'm glad you made it.
