
Monday, September 12, 2011

A princess 2nd birthday

Yesterday our princess turned 2! We took her to the zoo, where she tried to kiss all the animals!

Since we didn't have a big party yet, we just had some family over for cake and presents. She does know what to do with presents, smart girl!

Ohh, I get cake and ice cream?

She wasn't too sure about the candles on the cake. She let her brothers help with that part!

But she definitely didn't need any coaxing in the eating department. We all know she is a pro there. But mommy never lets her eat this kind of stuff by herself.

A far cry from her orphanage birthday last year.

Happy Happy birthday to our Ukrainian princess!!


  1. Looks like it was a success! Happy 2nd Arina!

  2. Happy Birthday Arina...what a little princess. Other than Jax not being in that 3rd's the absolute best. I love it the best. What a beautiful family you have. How is Jax? Hugs

  3. Happy birthday princess Arina.
    Love the pics with the cake, she is enjoying it.

  4. Happy Birthday Princess! I pray it is the best year yet! You are so beautiful and so blessed. Your family is soo blessed to have such an awesome princess!

    Sorry Jax is still in the hospital and not able to join in at the zoo. I pray for a complete healing.

    Be blessed

  5. Happy birthday, beautiful Princess Arina!! Love these pics.

    Thinking of Jax...hoping he's doing better... xoxo

  6. Looks like a fun 2nd Birthday for the princess! Sorry Jax couldn't be there to celebrate with you though! :( Love The cake eating pictures! They brought tears to my eyes thinking about how different her birthday must have been between this year and last.

  7. looks like a PERFECT DAY!! Happy 2 Big girl!! love the kisses and the cake! cheers to many more to come! smiles

  8. Happy Birthday Arina! She's such a doll!

  9. Happy birthday to your beautiful girl!

  10. Happy Birthday Princess!!!

    All our love and big hugs coming from RI!

  11. WOW! Happy birthday!! :) What a sweetheart :)

  12. Mmmm, she looks yummy enough to eat, specially with all that frosting all over her face. Happy birthday, Arina.

  13. Happy birthday gorgeous girl. I LOVE the cake eating photos!

  14. oh, happy birthday little bit! can you come coach jace in munching? he has a 2 year old celebration at the end of the month and i don't think my 30 pounder will let the tiniest bit past his lips. i think he needs a prettier tutor than his mom. Happy Birthday to YOU!!!

  15. Happy, Happy Birthday, Arina!!! A very happy birthday for you indeed!! Praying for your big brother so he can help you celebrate! I've been away for a while - I've got a lot of catching up to do - didn't even know Jax was in the hospital :(. - Maureen

  16. Happy Birthday Arina! That's the birthday a Princess deserves!

  17. Happy birthday sweet girl! I love the pictures Lacey.

    I just saw that high chair in target and was going to do some research to see if gets good reviews. What do you think of it?

  18. Sorry that last comment was from me but I didn't switch to my actual blog.

  19. Happy Birthday little girl! What a fun day!

  20. happy 2nd birthday to your princess! Love her "oh" face!

  21. Happy Birthday- your royal highness!!! Love the pictures, shes to die for. Praying for Jaxson too. I sent you an email - I know you have been busy. Huggs

  22. Look at your other angel. So healthy and beautiful and looking all grown up and yes, so very smart!

    You all are so very blessed. And each time I see you all together, it seems like she has been with you all of her life.She fits in so perfectly.

    Kiss her from her California buddies please.

  23. oh, I love you Arina! Happy birthday!

  24. Happy Birthday Arina!! I love the cake pictures. So glad she dug in and got messy. :)
