
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I'm taking a minute to sit and blog, to take my frustrations out on the keyboard, and because I haven't eaten all day and am starting to feel a bit shaky. So 5 minutes is needed.

Today I was told that I have to be out of my house Friday! Yes, a day and a half I have to be out. My realtor has been soooo terrible. I've been asking him for weeks what day to I have to be out. He never tells me, he tells me they hope to close this date or that. I thought I had 3 days to move out after closing. A lot of people are telling me there should have been a 72 hour clause in the paperwork. I blame myself a bit for not making sure that was done, but that's why we (severely over-)pay a realtor! I would have sold the house myself if I knew I was going to be doing all the work anyway. All he's done is take pictures, that's it. I have not seen him in person since those pictures were taken. We are reporting him to whoever it is we report realtors too. And if I could, I would take his commission away!
I called the buyers realtor myself and asked if we could be out Saturday. He said it was ok, but made sure to remind me over and over that they want to hurry and get in, and to call him as soon as we are out.

Add to that my hubby's clutch died in his car yesterday. We have a warranty, and they told us it was covered, and sent him away in a rental car. Then they call him and tell him this specific part is not covered, of course! So today, in my utter madness of the moving fiasco, have to find 800.00 to pay his car so he can get to and from work, since its an hour and a half away, and to the airport to get here.
I've calmed down just a bit, after deciding I'm not dealing with the insurance part of things quite yet. Now that I know that I have 30 days after the address is changed to get the new insurance, I'm not going to try and do that right now. We will stay in Utah for the week in a hotel, Jax has dental work at the hospital Tuesday, and it has to be done now. His front teeth are almost grinded down to the nerve, and that would make it an emergency.

I cried my eyes out to my pediatrician over the phone, after she told me that Jax has been the most rewarding patient she's ever had. That she loves me and admires me so much, and that she is going to continue to be our friends. Then she told me that she wants to donate something in Jax name. Equipment, or whatever we feel strongly about. I am trying to think of something that will make a difference. The PICU and her office is where he's spent the majority of the last 6 years, so I want to do something at one of those places. The lab did tell me they desperately need a light that finds veins. That might be a good one, since Jax has always been one of their most terrible pokes, it would be only fitting that something like that had his name on it!!
I had to take him in for labs and a weight today too, and I thought for sure I'd bawl the whole time I was there, but I just didn't have the time. I know I'll be in that office again before we leave, but I've been super teary today. What am I going to do without her? I love her so much. I can't even begin to tell you how much we've been through together. The late night conversations, holding hands at Jax bedside, and her being my psychologist many times. I love you Lisa, with all my heart!
Prayers is all I need for the next few days. Internet will probably be scarce, only on my phone, and if I can figure out why the Ipad is not picking up WIFI when it should.
Thank you my friends!


  1. Thinking of you guys! ((hugs))

  2. Hang in there. It is the storms of life that years down the road (and yes it might take YEARS) make the best stories. Making memories is what my hubby always says. we know it sucks, but keep your eye on the prize. It is all for the greater good and you will be together as a family so soon and everything will be better:)

  3. Good luck. I'll be praying you don't run out of boxes ;)

  4. I am sorry things are so rough right now! It will get better. Hang in there!

  5. Praying that things will work out for you and your family... GO EAT something! You need to keep up your strength.

  6. All the best for the move - will be thinking of you,,

  7. Praying for you Lacey! It will all work out somehow....even if you are brought to insanity in the process! :) Wish I could help you somehow! Hang in there, and remember to take care of yourself and breathe too! Big Hugs!!!

  8. I haven't been around much Lacey! I am sorry! I have been praying for you every day hoping that everything would go smoothly. You've had bump after bump and sure you'll be teary eyed at some point. Your plate is spilling over. Try and hang in there. You have so much on your plate.

    Take care of yourself, too. You are always in my thoughts.

  9. What an awesome ped! I love those light thingies that find veins. They had to use one of those in Seattle on Anthony when he was first diagnosed with leukemia. It saved him from a LOT MORE pokes!

    I wish there were something I could do for you here. I'll pray that your move will go smoother. I know prayers get answered. I'm so sorry things are so chaotic and stressful.

    I don't know any other parents who could do all that you have done, and still have their head attached. You are inspiring, and so is your family. Blessings to you. <3

  10. crying here... thanks! Wish with all my heart that I could do something to help!

  11. Oh, gosh, hang in there, Lacey!!!! In a week it'll all be over and you can let out that sigh of relief you've been waiting on for so long. You're amazing. Thinking of you all! (((hugs)))

  12. oh Lacey - worrying, praying, and hoping

  13. don't even know what to say, I can only pray. you are stong!!
