
Monday, September 5, 2011

Hmm, were to begin!
Last night I put Jax to bed. Everything was normal. He had some serious gagging and wretching. He wretched up more stomach acid. Once he calmed down and went to sleep, I noticed that his sats were only 92 on his typical 2 liters with the vent. I immediatly thought that he aspirated! He dropped into the 80s and I turned his oxygen up to 3 liters. He began wretching again. I took his vent off to suction, and his sats plummeted to the 50's. I popped his vent on, but his sats didnt come up. I cranked his O's up all the way to 10 liters, and very slowly, he came up. But he was gray and unresponsive. He was twitching and it looked like seizures. I called 911!
When they got there, I had his oxygen down to 6 liters, but he was still unresponsive. The paramedics didnt seemed concerned at all. Normally we love this fire department, and none of the men last night looked familiar. But they were really clueless. Im not sure if they are just used to trauma's, but they thought all this stuff was his normal. I finally told them just to leave, after they stood around, not knowing what this and that was!
I got him down to 4 liters and he calmed down and went to sleep. I decided to wait and see what the morning brought.
This morning he acted ok, but his oxygen need and heart rate were high. I knew a chest x ray and electrolytes were needed. I took him to an instacare because everything is closed and my ped is out of cell phone range at the moment. Of course the instacare said no way, he is far to complicated! And sent us to our local hospital that is a satelite to the childrens hospital. His chest x ray looks "wet", not necesarily pneumonia. What?? His white count is high. Not dangerously high, but higher than he's had in two years. His glucose was also 47. They started an IV, and talked to the childrens hospital, which wanted him ambulanced up ASAP. So off we were again to the childrens hospital.
That is were I now sit, waiting to be admitted. Im not sure yet about the chest x ray and why its so patchy when he's actually dehydrated. I guess we'll see!
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  1. You're STILL waiting? Ugh. Where are your other kiddos? Do you need help?

  2. Oh, sheesh, Lacey. I've been following along a bit on FB, and am so sorry you guys are going through this!!! Hang in there, and know that I'm thinking of you and sweet Jax. (((hugs)))

  3. hugs, hugs, and more hugs!

    Thinking of you!

    Tammy and Parker
    @ParkerMama on Twitter

  4. Ok, so I am assuming you took him to the Riverton hospital?! Seriously, I am convinced they no nothing there!! I think it is pretty worthless, I have heard nothing but bad things. I hope Jaxon is ok, I'm so sorry you are both going thru this!!

  5. Oh Lacey:(
    prayers, what else can I send..

  6. Have been following on facebook - am praying for your brave boy.

  7. oh no... praying that you get some answers tonight. Thinking of you and Jax.

  8. What the!!!! No! Ahhh! Did you want to come and be at the hospital with us again? If you are still there tomorrow I'll come down and say Hi we are in 3089.

  9. Oh Lacey. I'm sorry. Could this be his body's response to whatever was bugging Arina the other day? You have my thoughts and prayers! ((hugs))

  10. Wow! Jax is so lucky to have a mama like you! You seem to know your stuff! I'm so sorry for the trama! Hand in there you two!! I'll keep you in my prayers! :)

  11. Sorry to hear about this...will be praying. Stay strong Mama!

  12. Thinking of you both, and praying lots! Big Hugs for you and your sweet boy!

  13. One of them just had to go and get admitted. Our Boys. Hang in there. Prayers and huggs. Working on those pictures and Gabes story email right now. I am spot on !!! LOL

  14. Shawna ~ Round Rock, TexasSeptember 6, 2011 at 7:39 AM

    Poor baby! I have never commented before , but read often. I am a Mommy to three precious, little girls. My heart goes out to you and your sweet family. I know things are never easy for you, I can't even begin to imagine a day in your life, but I admire how normal you keep things for all of your children and how well you are able to handle scary situations. My heart breaks for you as you care for your baby , but I know how much joy he brings you, too. I continue to pray for all of you, but especially your sweet little Jaxson. I hope he gets through this and feels better soon! You truly have a beautiful family !

  15. Praying for you guys! I can't even image your stress level right now. You guys have so much on your plate.

  16. just thinking of ya all! hope Jax is doing better...hugs

  17. Thinking of you guys and praying!
