
Monday, March 14, 2011

This is what I'm talking about!

Went to pick up daddy's Advair. 100.00 instead of the 75.00 like it used to be.

Momma calls the insurance, its changed this year. Its not longer straight co-pays, but this new system of which I didn't understand a single word.

We talked about some of Jax bigger meds. Cialis for Pulmonary hypertension, went from 45.00 a month to 60.00 a month. Flovent is like the Advair and will jump to 100.00 for a 3 month supply!!

Now add 21 more meds for Jax onto that. The amounts will be staggering.
I'm starting to hyperventilate a little bit!!

This little boy just got a lot more expensive!

Since everyone's premiums also went up again this year!

And they wonder why the economy is bad and no one can afford to go shopping!

Give me a *sigh* if you feel me!!


  1. Sending you lots of hugs. It's so hard, isn't it. Hope things get better for you.

  2. "Sigh" That cannot be easy, such a bummer. We're still fighting hospital bills from last October, it never ends!

  3. I'm so sorry times are tough for you right now. I just wanted to drop you a note to say that Jax's pictures always make me smile. Love that little grin of his! How blessed you are.

  4. Your so right anonymous, thats why I have to post pics like this with these posts! His little face will get you every time! Maybe I should send some of his pics to our government when they are doing our healthcare plan! that might just work!!

  5. Right there with you my friend.Just paid 80 dollars... for eye drops for Joe.Crazy.Our insurance just went from okay to,not so much.

    Love to you and see you soon!!

  6. Sigh! I hear ya. Not that Chloe's medical needs are even CLOSE to Jax's! but I totally understand!

  7. Sigh.....sorry about the increases! I would be hyperventilating too! Jax's face is worth all the cost though! What a sweetie! Hugs!!

  8. Although our medical needs are no where near what yours are, they are enough to put you in the poor house!!! I'm afraid the day will come that we choose to eat or pay for my daughter's meds!! On a brighter note--the pics you post bring a smile to my face each day:) You sure do have beautiful children!!

  9. I'm sorry about your co pay! Sucky! I'm also so sorry about your Mom's dog, what a heartbreaker for you all. Love all the pictures. Still can't believe that is Kayla! Doesn't she know she is supposed to stay that cute, tiny, spunky, blond haired girl forever??

  10. *sigh* March is the worst any day now we'll hit out deductible and maybe it wont seem so bad after that. BLAH!

  11. Oh Lacey, I'm so sorry that Utah doesn't have a medicaid waiver. After the nursing care , the prescription co-pays being covered are my favorite thing. The primary wouldn't cover test strips for his glucose meter because he is not diabetic and not on insulin (because just having hypoglycemic seizures is not enough to need a glucose meter for - sheesh). Those alone ran $200 month. I've only had the medicaid for 6 weeks and it has been such a blessing and relief. I pray everything gets set up for him in CA and that financial burden can be lifted from your shoulders.

  12. How bout sigh, crap sigh, crappity crap. I just don't even have words...

  13. sigh --- is an under statement. He is a fighter and worth every single cent. Though it is not fair. Does he not qualify for Kate Beckett or anything like that? Sorry if is a stupid question.

  14. i hear ya!!! And Camden doesnt need near as much as Jax anymore, so I can imagine your frustration. =(
