
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Blue is not my color!

Feeling a little blue lately.
Not sure why.
Could it be that daddy is so far away and looking up airfare I'm finding its outrageously expensive?
Mmmm, could be, although I'm finding we are doing pretty dang good on our own.
Probably because we've been too busy to get distracted. Carter's superleague baseball season starts soon, so lots of practices, and getting uniforms done.
Jax is making me crazy with this junk. Its starting to remind me of a horrible few months we had when he was first trached. You may remember that, but of course I can't even find it in my archives. Sheesh! Remember the picture daddy took of my sleeping on Jax Ottoman? Yeah, can't find it anywhere.
Usually when he's on the vent, he doesn't get as junky. I'm not sure if its because of all the air being pushed through or what. But the last few nights he's been waking up in the middle of the night. Then he coughs and I have to get up every few minutes to suction him until he falls back to sleep. I'm starting to wonder if its the new vent we have. That for some strange reason its making him cough and not sleep good.
Who knows, it could be many things. Seizures, new vent, anything!
If spring would hurry and get here, maybe it would brighten the mood a bit.


  1. been thinking of you!! you sure are a SUPER Woman!! smiles

  2. rachel is junky too. she's been waking up at night coughing and crying. she barfed last night. :( get better jax!

  3. It's been a long winter and you've had lots on your plate. I can certainly understand why you're feeling blue. Hopefully it will turn around quickly. Hoping too Jax is coming down with anything more serious. Hugs

  4. Spring sure would help I bet. Warmer and brighter are always better.
    You are amazing my friend and I do remember that photo of you asleep in Jax's room. I will never forget that, it really hit me then what you are up against every day, and how gracefully, yet boldly and bravely you handle everything.

  5. It definitely sucks (no pun intended)! Spring is just around the corner so hang in there!!! I'm ready too. HUGS

  6. I'm feeling a little blue right along with you. Sam has dental surgery this week and we just got referred to a Rehab Medical Doctor. Where is spring????

  7. Congrats to your hubby on getting that job transfer to CA - I know you've been waiting and hoping for that to happen! Sorry to hear the flights are so expensive for him to come back for a visit though; how frustrating! Praying the time will pass quickly so you can get to CA and be a family again (and that your house sells quickly!)
    Hope Jax is doing better and not have that junkiness! I can't believe how long Arina has been home with you guys now! Love the pictures of her and Jax!

  8. I'm so sorry Lacey that's a lot to be taking on. I hope that things start brightening up outside and that things just start getting better for you. You so deserve a break. (((hugs)))

  9. Sending you hugs to brighten your day. Maybe give yourself a little treat as a pick me up. A fun coffee or tea, or a bath. I was feeling a little blah myself the other day and I went for a facial( while I had respite). Normally I sleep or cook my respite worker comes. However this time I needed more. Hugs.

  10. Seriously - where is spring??? I am soo over the overcast skies ;)

  11. I'm way late in reading this, but hope things are getting better for you and Jax!
