Friday, February 25, 2011

Happy Friday

Yeah for the weekend!
Happy Friday from the princess!!


Melissa said...

Happy Friday to you too!!

Scrappy quilter said...

I really needed a chuckle this morning. Your little princess has given me one. She is a little doll and those eyes....her and Em have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen I think. Hugs

mandd3 said...

OMG she is so beautiful!
Ok - first - who is your DME for the pump? We were able to move from FL to TX with ours and it is from Apria. Second, the case manager nurse from the insurance company called yesterday to get an update and said she would be able to help with all the phone calls and getting appts. set up.
I have more but am going to friend you on FB - it will be easier to chat that way!
And Lacey, I pray, pray, pray you get a nurse when you get to CA. I can't think of any family that can use one more!

Anne and Whitney: Up, Down and All Around said...

happy friday :) so excited to read you guys really are going to be able to move to california! i can't believe arina has been home for 3 months already - from pictures and blog posts she seems to be a perfect fit with your family, so happy for you guys! have a great weekend!!!!!

Denise said...

Oh, I can't wait until I get to see that beautiful face on a regular basis!! (And of course the rest of yours too :)

Holly said...

the lone tear under her eye in the first pic is so tragic, yet so cute!

Rochelle said...

Happy Friday to you all! Love her eyes!

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday to you to sweet princess! Your eyes tell a thousands stories... You are beautiful! God bless, Love Megan, Conrad, Keaton and Khloe

Unknown said...

YEAH Friday!! i needed Friday!! Ariana is to cute! I can tell your are going to have your hands full!! smiles

The VW's said...

I love her! She is a doll!

Cammie Heflin said...

She has the most beautiful eyes!

Heather said...

Cannot wait to get my hands on that child!

You know what Joe said Saturday about the upcoming weekend," Ahhh,precious Friday,Saturday and Sunday.." the boy likes his weekends too!

Tina said...

Awwwww look at that darling little face, and those eyes wow!! But whats with that one tear in the 1st picture?

Happy Friday and a very happy weekend too.

Patti said...

Oh my goodness, she melts my heart!

Runningmama said...

Oh My Goodness...I love her cheeks and her eyes! She is just beautiful and so blessed to be part of your family!