
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Giveaways for another princess!

Another princess has no idea that soon she won't have to live in an orphanage anymore!
Dariya is being adopted by our sweet friend Alaina's family, and she is in Arina's same orphanage! I'm so excited for them to go to this city, and a little jealous at the same time! As scary as it was, I miss that country!
They are giving away a bunch of stuff, including an I pad, so go to their blog and check it out, and make a donation today!

Grab This!

Lots going on at our house. Lots of things to stress about. I'm beginning to think I have ADD. I have been home all week, no appointments, but still nothing gets done around my house. I wander from room to room, seeing everything that needs to be done, but not able to focus on one thing. Its making me crazy!
Arina is doing fantastic, of course. Her early intervention therapist thinks she's very motivated. You know how our DS kids can get comfy doing just what they can at the time. And we all know how stubborn they are! But Arina wants to move, and she wants to do new things, and she is learning like crazy! Now if we can only get her to use those little hands. We clap with her constantly, and she puts her hands up like she wants to, but won't put them together! Such a stinker!

Jaxson is Jaxson! We finally have our pulmo appointment on Monday. We plan to have the nice long chat with her like we did our ped. I plan on picking her brain, a lot! I am hopeful with the cardiologists I'm finding in Cali. I am hoping we can get a PPO for our insurance, so we aren't confined to certain doctors. There are so many different places in SoCal that we can go to. I do worry that they will tell me that all this stuff is wrong that doctors here have been ignoring. But thats the whole reason we are going elsewhere.
I have been seeing new seizures lately as well, multiple times a day. We go back to neuro next week, and he is going to have another EEG. Its been a long time since he's had one, because every time I ask, they tell me that he has lots of seizure activity, so why do we need another one. I'm not sure it will tell us a whole lot, because its so bad. Another place I can't wait to go to, UCLA's seizure clinic. I know they do a bunch of tests that Jax has never had. Hopefully they can help him as well.

We have also been busy getting Carter ready for his new superleague baseball team. I'm super excited for him, but bummed that he finally gets a good team, and he will only play for one season before leaving. Bad timing I guess!
Its going to be a busy spring with daddy not around much, lots of baseball, trying to sell a house, etc. Daddy will still have most Fridays off, so there will be times that he will fly home Thursday night for the weekend. All of Carters games are on Saturdays, so he will try to be here for as many as he can. I'm getting heart palpitations just thinking about it all!


  1. Sounds like you have been super busy, as usual! And my house is like that too. So much to do, and yet I just keep ingoring it all hoping someone else will take care of it. Clarie emptied an entire toy bin yesterday all over the living room floor, and it's still all right where she left it today!

  2. Wow lady... you are going to be busy! I can come by and help whenever needed, though I might sabatage your plans. Mmwahahahaha!
    Jaxson is such a fighter! He inspires me daily just lookin at those sweet eyes and chuncker cheeks.
    Love you both!!!

  3. awesome about the adoption!
    Glad the princess is doing well and prayers for your knights seizure situation =( Praying for answers....

  4. Thanks for the giveaway props! We appreciate it.

    Praying everything works out super smoothly for this move to be super successful without stress for you.

  5. I'm sooo excited for you. But kinda bummed to.

    I asked my friend about cardios. I haven't heard back from her yet, but I'll let you know what she says!

  6. You are busy and with a move you're going to get busier yet. Hope you can get some special time just for you. Awesome another little one is getting a forever home. Hugs

  7. have you heard of spio gloves? They might help that little girl. Our therapist ordered them for Bella because she was so sensory defensive - but ever since the magic mat, she will put her hands down.

  8. Oh Lacey, so much to do and so little time! I'm the same way at my house - I just wander around looking at what needs to be done and getting overwhelmed by it all, but I find if I can pick ONE thing at a time and just make myself focus on that one thing in that moment than I can slowly chip away at it. And then once you get on a roll. . . It'll be a crazy spring, but soon you'll be in Cali and settling in and it'll all seem like a lifetime ago.
