
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

If your even thinking about adopting, you must watch this!

Camerons mommy Stacy that left me a comment. Email me, I can't go to your profile, but I want to chat!
Since having Arina home, I haven't spent as much time with Reeces Rainbow as I should. I've been enjoying my beautiful baby girl. But I wanted to say, to anyone even considering adopting.
Its hard, thats for sure, but its lifechanging! Not only for her, but for us as a family too. You won't believe it, but daddy wants to go back and do it again! Which is one reason why I haven't gone to Reeces Rainbow as much. I want them all, but we need to wait a bit before attempting this one more time. I know money is always the biggest issue. But it can be done. Look how much money sweet Olga has now, over 12,000 dollars! In just about a month!
I am posting a bunch of videos, I mean, serious video overload here tonight! Don't forget the pause the music at the bottom. First, I posted her homecoming video again. Its very long, so you have to skip through it. You can see how lifechanging it was. You can hear poor Carter ask a billion times if he can hold her. Tanner is so happy that he just cries! But mostly, look at her then, and look at her now!
Look how long her hair is getting, and how much personality she has. She was so quiet in the orphanage. I can't imagine how boring her life must have been. She is so amazing. And these videos from today don't do her justice. She is usually much more animated, and I wasn't able to get a good video of her new courtesy laugh. Its in there a couple of times, but you have to listen closely! I mean the girl is seriously a crack up!

(by the way, in this first video, the women in the red holding Jax is the famous Auntie Boo we talk about so much. His bestest friend!)

Here's her new love of bathtime. She loves to splash and watch the water. And she loves to be on her belly so she can "swim"

This is the one that has the most of her "courtesy" laugh!

Her other new thing, giving kisses. Usually tongue kisses!

I'm going to work on getting a video of her on a day that she's really being goofy!


  1. Awww! I can see how she is so much happier and her personality is shining with your family. So what will it be next time - a sister for Arina?? LOL. I can see that Arina has Daddy wrapped around her little finger. Too cute. - Maureen C

  2. LOVE all the videos~ Will definitely have Jason watch these. Thanks for posting them. The one with her kissing Ray~oooo priceless!

  3. Lacy girlie, did you ever think I was going to reply to your question about the child gate? Yes my husband makes them, Yes he can give you a bid? my question is do you want one now that you will be moving in spring... Here is the wedsite to check out his workmanship...

    This also has contact info on it so you can chat with him live! Best wishes.. I want to smooch both those babies cheeks...

  4. AWWW. I was good until the kissing video1 Then I kinda lost it!

    pray our day will come!

  5. You are killing me over here! I am so ready to adopt a sweetie like I just have to get my husband fully on board! I would absolutely love to adopt Olga...since she has such a large amount in her bank, this would help us with the financial part of it, but my hubby wants to wait a year or two and it is breaking my heart! :(

    Thanks for letting me live vicariously through you and your sweet girl! She is PRECIOUS!!!

  6. I love your family! ALL of your children are beautiful and I love your heart for orphans. Arina and Jax were meant to be together and I love seeing them together. I can tell a big difference in him since she has been home with you guys. You are an amazing mom/woman. Keep up the good work. You are truly an inspiration!

    Stephanie Carmichael

  7. I agree, adopting is so worth it. She is such a sweetie. Hugs

  8. I love, love, love the videos! Thank you so much for sharing!

  9. That video of Arina with your husband just melted my heart. That's what every princess deserves! A daddy to love her and cherish her!

  10. I love her laugh....and the crazy faces she makes crack me up!

  11. Ok, Im all cought up on on ur blog so between blogs and texting I feel in the loop of Jax's world!! Ug, Lacey Im so sick by whats happening! Wat the heck, is anyone on the ball as of now?

    Love the pics of Arina! I will come over next week to chat... This week is crazy and I can't believe I said I would work! What the heck was I thinking?

  12. I love the videos!! She looks so good!! And Happy!

  13. wow at doing it again! That is amazing. I pray that the money comes for this at the right time to give another beautiful innocent child a chance! that is amazing of you guys. I hope to one day be in a position that I can help children like these in a way that counts...

  14. I'll have to watch the videos when I get home tonight, but if I could convince Darren to adopt I would be working on paperwork NOW!
