
Friday, December 3, 2010


Rough night! (Look at those poor cheekies from where the tech did pull some off!)

Rough day!

Who me? I didn't do that!


  1. ouchy! looks like a rough day!! Happy Holidays to you all!! smiles

  2. That is a rough day for everyone!!! Hope tomorrow is better. :)

  3. Lily and I are laughing at her hair! The cheeks are sad though and poor Jaxson getting thrown up on.
    Arina is too cute! I hope the study went well!!!

  4. That sure was a hard day all around! Poor Jax! I think that is the topper! Thanks for the heads up of what I should expect at our sleep study next month. I'm not looking forward to it, but it will be nice to have the results. How long until you get the results?

  5. Those are some red cheeks...ouch I hope they don't hurt too much. I love the look of pure innocence on her pretty little face and that bed rough night was it?. Poor Jax what he tolerates from the princess!!!
    I missed the Disneyland pictures, wow it looks so beautiful and that castle quite speechless. Well I haven't done anything about Christmas either, I need to hurry up and get into the spirit of things, so much to do and the time is flying

  6. She has the most beautiful blue eyes!

  7. Did she really puke on my sweet boy??

    Love you guys.

  8. Morgan goes in next week for her sleep study. Not looking forward to it. Just hoping she actually sleeps and doesn't just cry the entire night.

  9. Ha ha! Poor Jax...
    Hope Arina's sleep study turns out well!

  10. Poor Jax! He sure is a nice big brother, taking that so well! :) Yuck!

    And, poor Arina! Those sweet cheeks look so painful! Hope her study results are great! Hugs!

  11. Aww a rough day indeed. I love her bed head though! =)

  12. OMG!!! Poor Jax!! I can't wait until one of these days when he figures out how to swing that arm right at her as she is puking on him :) And OUCH, I think they should have been a little more careful on Arina's sensitive skin. Any results???

  13. Poor Jax that is so wrong of that little sister! Hope you guys get good news from the sleep study, ouch her little cheeks look so raw.

  14. LOL those pictures are hilarious (minus the red ouchy cheeks)! I love the "who me?" That little girl is trouble! (aren't they all?!!!!) HOpe you have some better days ahead. :)
