
Thursday, December 16, 2010

The many faces of a princess!


  1. They are ALL adorable, but the 4th, 5th and last pics crack me up! In the 4th one it looks like she's holding her breath to go swimming. She looks like she's saying "enough already Mommy" in the 5th one and the last one is just adorable!

  2. Are you kidding me? I would be laughing and staring at her ALL day, she is ADORABLE!!! SO much personality!

  3. Those are a crack up! She is so stinkin' cute! So thankful that you guys adopted her. What a huge blessing. Love her fishy face!

  4. Love all of her cute and silly faces!

    My boys were cracking up at pic #4! They said it looks like she is sinking in quicksand, because you can't see the bottom half of her body, plus her expression is so funny!

    My favorite is looks like she is really questioning someone and about to tell them off!

    Too Cute!

    Expect a package from me on Wednesday of next week.....I finally sent you the gift that I bought for Arina! Plus, there is a little something for Jax in there too! :)

  5. Aw, you can definately tell she's a little European with those beautiful blue eyes and fair hair. She's too cute for boots :)

  6. LOVE those blue eyes! Too sweet!

  7. haha-the last few made me laugh out loud!

  8. Oh my goodness!!! Lacey, I SO needed that tonight!! She is precious, and someday she'll look at those pics and say "Mooooom!" hehe Thank you for sharing your sweetie with us!!

  9. HA!! So freakin' adorable and hilarious!

  10. This just made my night!! LOL A princess indeed=) Oh Lacey, I am so happy for you and your family! And so excited to be back to catch up on all of Landon's little buddy's!! She is soooo CUTE!!!

  11. OMGoodness!! That is just what I needed...something to make me smile. What a doll!! I'm soooo happy to see your princess doing so well.

  12. Wow, made my night too! So cute, one of these days I am going to make it up there and hug all your children I feel like I know them so well.

  13. These are fantastic...she is just soooo adorable, some of those faces are classic! Full of personality. I loved the videos of both babies in your earlier post, really made me smile.

  14. Oh my gosh ... the faces kill me!!!

    She is too precious for words.When am I getting my hands on her again???

  15. too funny,an adorable little princess.

  16. Love, love, LOVE her! After a rather rough week, this is just what my heart needed~thank you so much for sharing, Lacey! Arina is so obviously and truly happy and such a beautiful little baby dolly~THANK YOU for saving her! Much love and (((HUGS)))

  17. Do you get anything done in you house?? I wouldn't be able to stop gazing at her beautiful face!
    Housework, laundry, cooking, would all be a thing of the past!

  18. Lacey ~ Love how you love Arina! Because of your tender heart towards the orphans on Reece's Rainbow, I wanted to share this link in case you haven't seen it:

  19. Those eyes!! They are so beautiful, big and bright! I don't think I could say "no" to that face! - Maureen

  20. She is absolutely adorable. I love what it says on her bib. Our M could have worn that and even at 20 still could. What great impressions. Hugs

  21. Love all the faces!! She is so expressive! I especially like the one where she is looking up as if she thinks someone is crazy! That will be so much fun when she's a teenager!!

  22. She's so sweet, I can't get enough of her big blue eyes!

  23. I have never laughed so hard !!!!!! Love it.

  24. I love all her adorable and funny faces!!

  25. Some day (soon hopefully) I'll get over my cold and come see you guys!

  26. Oh I love ALL of her faces! She is amazing. And I loved the videos in the previous post. You are blessed with beautiful children!!!

  27. Ahaha they are adorable and hilarious! She is one expressive kid! :O

  28. She is so precious! Those pictures just make you want to pick her up and cuddle her. I can't imagine what a good time you are having with her. I'm so happy for you.

  29. So you guys totally butt dialed us the other day and we are pretty sure it was Arina calling to find out when we were going to get together to play! She is so cute, and we really want to play.

  30. Oh my goodness, she is adorable!!! What fantastic pictures!!!
