
Friday, June 4, 2010

Heading out.

We are heading out to Cali!! We will be MIA for about 10 days. I'm checking blogs and posting when I can. Love to you all!


  1. Have a GREAT trip and a GREAT time!!!!!! Hugs to all our blog friends that you come across in your travels. :)

  2. Have a safe flight! I wish we could see you while you were here, but I know we will see you soon enough when you move here! Give Ella a hug for me when you see her! At her home!!!!!! Yippee!

  3. Praying for safe travels. Have a blast!!

  4. Wooohooo!! Have a safe trip, we can't wait to see you all in a few days. :)

  5. have a great time. too bad you won't be a little closer to where we live in CA, we would love to meet you guys.

  6. Hope you have a wonderful trip! Love and Hugs!!!

  7. Have a great trip, I've been MIA for a while too, but been checking up on everyone whenever I can.

    Look forward to hearing all about Calli, you get to see some of our other sweethearts I believe???

  8. Hope your trip is safe and as relaxing as possible. Have a great time.
