
Friday, June 18, 2010

Far away friends

Everytime we are in California we have to see all of our friends that live there. We can't wait until we are truly neighbors! First we saw Ella, who luckily was home by the time we got there, so we didn't have to visit in a hospital room!
She is always very interested in Jax equipment and tubes!

Our crazy boys and their crazy girls!

Tanner was trying to entertain his girlfriend with his crystal. She wasn't too happy, until she got my phone that is!

The beach is another favorite place for us. When we get down there we will be doing Friday beach day with Heather's boys!

It was so windy we couldn't get Jax tent up, so he chilled on a towel.

After the beach we went to Peanuts house for dinner. She doesn't look to thrilled to see us, does she?

The Disneyland Hotel has the best pool. And once Carter had mastered swimming without a life jacket, he could go down the slide. He was so excited!

When Makayla gets home we will be doing a lot more princess stuff. We will finally try the princess character dinner. The boys don't even care, they are already fighting over who is going to show her which princesses!


  1. Cute, Cute pictures! I can see why you want to move there! Thanks for sharing!

    Oh, we got our auction blanket in the mail it! Thanks! Have a great weekend! Hugs!!!

  2. your time in california looks nothing short of WONDERFUL!!! :)

  3. Oh that looks like so much fun! What a wonderful trip!

  4. Fun, fun, fun. Can't wait until Makayla is with you and you guys can move to CA. I know you will be so happy there and to be close to these awesome friends will be amazing!

  5. Love the pictures! Looks like you had so much fun in Cali, and lots of wonderful people to get together with!

  6. Loved seeing all the pictures....yes you guys are going to have such a wonderful time once you get down there for good, and with the most wonderful people as well.

  7. Loved seeing all the pictures....yes you guys are going to have such a wonderful time once you get down there for good, and with the most wonderful people as well.

  8. I am posting this comment of Heather and Denise's blogs as well, but I just think that it is so awesome that you all get to see each other. This blog community is incredible. Everyone is so uderstanding and supportive, and to be able to see, touch, and smile with each other is just wonderful. I'm so glad for all of you.

  9. Friends and fun! Doesn't get much better! Looks like everyone had a great time!

  10. We wish that our visit with you guys could have been so much longer. Darn traffic!!! And by the way, what was up with Ella's hairdo???? We are hoping that you guys are down here soon too!!

  11. My goodness... all these California pics make me want to go back! Hopefully we'll be making a visit soon!

  12. Wow! That pool and slide does look awesome! Looks like you guys are having all the fun you deserve!
    And OH how wonderful it will be when you are pushing a pink stroller along the streets of Disneyland!!

  13. Love the pics!! It looks like you had so much fun:)

  14. Hahaha look at my girl! Where are the pictures of her smiling and laughing? LOL She does look mighty cute, even grumpy. :)

  15. Your vacation sounds like it was lots of fun and I love all the pictures. Lots of cute friends to visit!

  16. Looks likea great time. I'm so excited for you to be able to move and to be by friends always!
