
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

what is it about Down syndrome?

Me and Ray were just having this discussion on what it is that makes Down syndrome kids so irresistible! I was watching a video on a blog the other day, of a little Down syndrome girl, and I just got goosebumps. I wanted to climb through the computer and just eat her up!
Down syndrome kids look so "typical", so why is it that we just can't help but smile and want to squeeze their little bodies so?

Is it their little tongue's that are always a big part of their smiles?

Is it that ability to fight so hard, to smile again when it was taken away from him?

Is it those goofy little faces they make when they want to get a reaction from us?

Is it the way they melt my boys heart's into butter, and wrap them around their little fingers?

Or is it just those beautiful almond eyes and little button noses?

I think it is all of those things. But I think the biggest thing is just their sheer presence! You see a Down syndrome child in the grocery store and you have to stop and say hi! We try to show the world that they are normal, but they are not. They are perfection. What we all strive to be everyday. They don't know hate, they only know love, and they give that so freely! They have a sixth sense to know when somebody is sad, and they are the first one to give a hug or a kiss! So that's why I think just watching this video of this sweet girl just made my heart melt.
I'm so proud to be a part of this family, and I can't wait to bring my baby girl home to add to that joy!


  1. Another Beautiful post!! You really hit it on the nail. Those with downs syndrome just have this essence that draws you in and makes you want to be near them. Good energy ;)

  2. SO cute, love love the post! It is all so true!

  3. Sweet post! You are so right!!!

  4. I think you said it best when you said, "They are perfection!" I couldn't have said it any better! :) Hugs!!!

  5. It's all those things!! The tongue being one of my favorites:) Truly little blessings!

  6. You brought tears to my eyes! What a great post!

  7. I went to see the video of that sweetie and I forgot to come back and read the rest of your post!! haha

    Beautiful post Lacey!!!

  8. Sweet post Lacey, you are absolutely right they are sheer perfection. God certainly did know what he was doing (even when some might think they are imperfect, we know the truth!)

  9. All so true - love the video - saying "hi" with her whole smiley body. Can't wait to meet Makayla :)

  10. My Peanut doesn't have down syndrome, but she has the same heavenly perfection. She just melts you - makes you smile. :)

  11. I love all those pictures! Beautiful babies! Last night on Dancing with the Stars once of the female dancers was dancing for her aunt who has Down Syndrome. It was so beautiful! Then after she danced she went over and hugged her! It was so sweet! Of course, I was crying! ;-)

  12. What a nice post Lacey. It is so true...there is just "something" about these kiddos with Ds. I know each and every one of them that I see just melts my heart. I sure wish that everyone could feel what we do.

  13. Those are definitely some cute kids - perfection!

  14. I love the way that you wrote this post. It is so true and so beautifully written.

  15. I love it! My second cousin (my dad's cousin) has Down Syndrome. At every family reunion, everyone is gathered around Greg. He is so loving and generous with his hugs and kisses!

  16. True, true! This is a great collection of photos and you've expressed something that's hard to put into words, well done!

  17. I think it is EVERYTHING about them - they are just so cute. Carter was asked to go home with the dental hygenist today - but we wouldn't let him go - mean mom that I am. Did Ray get all his pictures done? Sorry turned out to be crazy - but if he still wants one with Carter I could swing by your house sometime! Just let me know!

  18. I feel the same way. In fact I had to create a website full of their adorable faces! My hope is that it will encourage new parents.

  19. Oh that just melted my heart... beautiful pictures!

  20. I am honored to be a part of this family too! I am so excited for your family and this new journey you are on!

  21. I could not have said it better. i have a lot of dealings wiht adults that have Ds and they are the MOST loving individuals. We can all learn from them.

  22. Oh Lacey, I am just now reading a few blogs for the first time for a few days and just now saw your post! What a BEAUTIFUL post and so well worded!!!!!! We are honored that you loved the video of whitney and included it in this post :) thank you!
