
Thursday, May 13, 2010

A new front yard for us!

First, a clarification from my last post: My ped does not deal specifically with Jax seizures, his neuro does. Neuro here is out of ideas on how to treat his seizures. We have tried every med possible, and he is currently on 3 seizure meds and the ketogenic diet. We are planning to go see the world renowned Dr. Shields in LA. Which will be good because we hope to be living there soon anyway!

Ok anyway, I'm super excited because we are finally redoing the front yard. When we bought the house 2 years ago it was a foreclosure. That was great for us because we got it for a steal, but the lawn had sat all summer not getting watered. It was a mess. And while now it looks pretty good, and its really green, it still is covered in weeds that we can't get rid of. And I also found out from my neighbor that the people that built the house didn't even put top soil down. The whole front lawn is uneven and bumpy. So our plan is to rip out the entire front lawn. Put up a border for a flower bed, and put a border around the rocks. That will be nice because we also hate the grass growing in between the rocks. Its impossible to trim in there without breaking your thread! Then we will do totally new sod. Yeah!
So here's the before picture.

The pain in the butt weeds!

The guy came today and sprayed the lawn. In about 10 days the lawn will be totally dead. my neighbors are going to wonder what the heck happened! Then they will come in and even it out, put the border up, new top soil, and finally new sod!

One last reminder, if you can't get on the computer tomorrow morning be sure to go put your last bids in tonight. The auction closes at noon tomorrow!


  1. Can't wait to see the finished product. Should I send Alayna to pull up the dandelions?

  2. Oooohhhh, I love these kinds of projects!!!! CAnt' wait to see the after!

  3. New front yard ... just in time to sell it!Make it pretty so it sells quick and you can get the heck down here,okay?Well,when Makayla gets here though of course!

    And yes,Dr,Shields rocks, that is for sure!

    I'll call you tomorrow or rather today,when you are reading this!

  4. How exciting! I bet your yard will look great! Can't wait to see the after pictures! Our yard is full of weeds, but it's so big that it would cost a fortune to have this done! Oh well!

  5. We've been in our house a year now, and our yard is a mess, too. It's about 80% weeds, but at least they're green weeds, so when they're mowed they still look "grassy." LOL I, too, will look forward to seeing the "after" as we'll be starting from scratch next spring, too.

  6. That will look awesome! I bet the neighbors will give you some looks in the process though - especially because it is going to look worse before it looks better!

  7. Greg and I were looking at the photo of your home and thought it (and the area) was familiar. Then we realized you live right across the street from Amber Howard. We used to take Zach to her home for preschool. We live north and a little east of you. Small world!

  8. That's alot of work, but the end result will be worth it, and like Heather says make it so pretty that it goes in a wink of an eye, it is a nice house though.

    Looking forward to the after pictures.

    Also missed your last post and wanted to say that those are some cute pictures you have of Jax there, I love how he has the tip of his tongue out after his popsicle lick, not very impressed with the taste! Big hugs to your big boy :)
