
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers day stuff!


Happy Mothers day to all my favorite mothers!!
Yesterday Ray and I went to the mall and he talked me into getting my ears pierced again! Its been fifteen years since I had my ears pierced.
And of course the earings I picked out were perfect for me....

Little Minnie Mouse earings!

The boys wanted to bring me breakfast in bed, which was really difficult. I stayed in bed as long as I could but it ended up being breakfast in Jax room after his morning suctioning!

Whatever, the boys had a great time doing it, and thats all that matters.

I love being a mommy more than anything in the world. I can't believe that next Mothers day I will have Makayla here with us!


  1. Happy Mother's Day Lacey! So awesome to think Makayla will be with you so soon.

  2. Happy Mother's Day Lacey. You are amazing!

  3. Happy Mother's day Lacey. I hope you have a great day! Hugs

  4. Happy Mother's Day. Love the minnie mouse earings.

  5. I love your wonderful and unique start to Mother's day ! How many moms can say they started their day with a suctioning and breakfast!

    That's why my friend you are the best of the best!!!!

    And I love the earrings!!

  6. Happy Mother's Day. We'll make you a Minnie Mouse hair clip tomorrow to match your earrings :)

  7. Happy Mother's day to one of the best Moms that I know! Hope you are having a great day! Love and Hugs!!!

  8. Happy Mothers Day!! Love the earings! Your boys are seriously the sweetest!!

  9. Love the earings. Glad to hear that you had a good day.

  10. Happy Mother's day Lacey! I love the new earrings. :) I just posted to Denise, but I don't know if she's checking her blog. She's at CHOC, which is only 20 minutes from me. We know that place inside and out, unfortunately. I would love to take her a meal or sit with Ella while she goes out or showers ... do you think she'd like help?? Please let her know I would love to help however I can!
