Thursday, May 20, 2010

he got a hit!

He got a hit, he got a hit! Confidence is soaring, now he knows how its done! His whole team of superleague players came out on the field to congratulate him! What a group of boys!


Kristin said...

Congrats - woohoo!!!

Kelly said...

Woo Hoo!!! Way to go Mondo!!!

The VW's said...

WOOHOO! Great job Mondo! So happy for you! Hugs!!!

Rochelle said...

Yahoo! Awesome news. So thankful and happy for him!

Alaina and Kyle said...

Yeah... I had to laugh when I saw this post. I'm so excited for him as I'm sure he was too.

Stephanie said...

FREAKIN' AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michelle said...

Wahooooo!!!! YAY!!!!

Junior said...

so wonderful, congrats and way to go.

Mama Mason-Mann said...

That's such wonderful news!!!!!! I'm so excited for him!!!! :) (and you!)

Kelli said...

Yay!! Congratulations!! That is so exciting!!!

mandd3 said...

Woot, Woot! Way to go! Exactly what he needed!

Anne and Whitney: Up, Down and All Around said...

yeah mondo!!!! way to go :)

Meghann said...

YAY!!! YAY!! YAY!!!

Shari said...

I am so excited for him! Way to go Mondo!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!! Great job kiddo! Hope the hits just keep on coming.

To Love Endlessly said...

woot, woot, woot!!!

Angi said...

Restores my faith in the children!!!!(I'm guessing their coach is pretty awesome too)...all smiles from New Hampshire for your Mondo!!!!

Jeana said...

AWESOME!! I'm so happy for him!

Corinne Judy Smith said...

Brought tears to my eyes and huge smile to my face when I read your comment on my blog and then read this. How awesome that the boys realized how big of a moment this was for Mondo. Yayee!!

Anonymous said...

We did have PH probe done and it was very abnormal.
He's never got to visit Disneyland or World. I know he would love it!! I can't wait to show you some of the new pic I got!!!