
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Your gonna want this!

A while ago I saw this outfit on another DS blog. You know after 4 boys it gets harder and harder to find new cute boy stuff. I had to have this outfit! I call it the beach outfit. It came the other day, and I absolutely love it!
Since its finally getting nice outside we tried taking some pics of his cute outfit outside. But Jax is not to keen on the sun in his face, so his eyes are closed in most pictures.

We came back inside and took a couple more without the bright sun.

Go to Lil Sis Designs to see her stuff! You better believe when I get Makayla thats the first place we are stopping to get her some cute stuff! The best thing is she is going to donate an outfit to the adoption auction, so your going to want to watch for that!

Update: The link to Makayla is now up on RR. Go to the adoption blog to get it!


  1. He looks adorable!!! Thanks so much for posting my site only you put the wrong link! Here it is:

    Can't wait to make some adorable things for your little girl in the future!


  2. That is such a cute outfit and Jax looks great in it! I am going to have to check that place out.

    Super cute pics!!

  3. LACEY. What have you DONE?? Off I go, of course...

  4. LOVE that outfit! It's is not easy to find cute boy clothes...but boy is this cute!!!

  5. You were right! I definitely want that boy! weren't talking about Jaxson??!! OOPS!

    OK, I guess I'll settle for the adorable outfit then. :)

    I'm headed to that site right now! HUGS!!!

  6. Very very cute outfit. Of course I'll be shopping there later. I just love how Jax gives you that "aw mom, not the camera again" face.

  7. Love it!!! I knew it was one of Adrienne's designs as soon as I say your little man sporting his new outfit. Too cute!

  8. I just visited the site the other day! Making a list of all of the must have's and YES, this one is already on it!! Jax wears it well:)

  9. You were right!! That is ADORABLE!! Of course the model might have a little something to do with it too. I love the colors and am envisioning a coordinating outfit for Mikayla already.

  10. He is so stinkin cute! Im glad you finally got your beach outfit. I hope you guys are doing good!

  11. That is so dang cute, I love it!!! I love even more that you were able to take him out into the warm sunshine!!

  12. The outfit AND the boy are so adorable!!

  13. LOVE it! Love Adrienne's work...I so need to order some for my little guy...I would love to donate some bows for your auction for adoption, so let me know when you are having it! I donated some for Sofia's to help!

  14. So cute! Adrienne's stuff is adorable isn't it?

  15. Jax looks awesome in that outfit!
    Adrienne is so talented.I'm going to have to get an outfit for Ruby:)

  16. Yes, that IS a darling outfit! You've captured some adorable pictures this week!

  17. Adorable outfit and even more adorable because it's on Jax!

  18. What a cute outfit for a cute boy!
