
Friday, April 9, 2010

More info

Sorry the color is bad in these pics, Jax therapist was in front of the window. We also had to undo his pj's so we could put his AFO's on. Look at that buddha belly!
He's working so hard in therapy, with his cute PINK shoes!

I have an adoption blog up now. There's nothing really on there yet, and I'm waiting for some help to make a button. The address is This is why we changed her name... I had a lot of people say that Joy is the perfect name because thats what she'll be bringing us, which is definitely true. But Makayla has been the girls name I've wanted forever now, so it was going to be Makayla Joy. Then Ray reminded me that I've always wanted to give my girl my middle name, Marie, and Makayla Marie sounds great together, so there you have it!
You also can't donate directly to her on the Reeces Rainbow site yet. Not until Andrea recieves our first paperwork and check in the mail. I'll let you know when thats up and running.
The other great news is I called our day nurse Brandon, that we lost last month. He agreed to drop everything and come down and stay with the boys while we go get Makayla. That makes me so happy. Not only do I trust him with Jax care and life, but with the lives of my boys. Plus, they love him, and can't wait for him to come stay with them!
One big hurdle out of the way already. We've done lots of running around today, looking into passports and such. This adoption will probably go fairly quickly because our home study is already done. Thats why I'm hustling to get some fundraising stuff going. I still need idea's and things donated to the auction! If you don't remember my email its

Oh yes, and also, you will all be "Auntie's" to a baby girl very soon!


  1. very exciting Lacey, we will be praying that the funds come in quickly and you can bring that sweet baby girl home.

  2. OMGoodness...this is exciting stuff!
    Whoo hoo!!

    We still want to adopt...but, we had to put a stop to it all. Due to losing our health insurance. Which I found out, families must have in order to apply for adoption. Maybe some day. In the mean time...I'll be cheering you all on!

  3. Yippee I'm going to be an Auntie!!!

    And I love the name you picked out, it's beautiful.

  4. I am excited for you Lacey! The third picture down looks like he's sleeping on the job! ;-) So cute!

  5. Awesome. So excited for you guys to get her and LOVE the name! That is also way cool about Brandon. He rocks!

  6. Love the name! I went on Reece's Rainbow to try and find her but I couldn't - is she on there and I am just blind? Boy they have cute kids on there - makes me so sad that they don't have homes. We just started paperwork to get our passports because we are leaving the country in June - did you know the West Jordan Post Office does passport appointments? Just an FYI.....

  7. Cute pictures of Jax!!!

    Sounds like you are on the ball and on your way to your girl real soon! How exciting! I'm looking forward to following along on your journey! Keep us updated and fill me in on anything important.....I hope to be following your lead someday soon! :)

    Have a great weekend! Hugs!!!

  8. I am SOOO EXCITED for you Lacey...YAY! I just love her name too:)

    UGH, I feel like such a terrible friend...I've had my hands so full, that I had the time to really catch up on my favorite little friend! So glad that Jax is doing so well!

    Looking very forward in hearing more about your exciting new journey!
    Praying that ALL will go well!
    {{HUGS & Kisses to Jax}}

  9. This is Joyce. OH my this is SO exciting. I can't wait to follow this journey with you. Awesome that Brandon will come. I love the name and sharing your middle name. I don't know that I've ever blogged that Sarah and I also share our middle name of Ellen.

  10. That is truely a beautiful name...I love it.
    I am so looking forward to following this journey and pray that it goes smoothly.

  11. oops...that was the wrong email id...I'n sending this again
    That is truely a beautiful name...I love it.
    I am so looking forward to following this journey and pray that it goes smoothly.

  12. I'm so excited for you!!! I can't wait to follow along with you guys in this process. If I think of anything that might help you raise money or anything else then I will let you know. I'm trying to brainstorm for you. Good luck!!

  13. So excited for you and your family!! We will be thinking about you on this journey!

    Way to go Jax...Colin sends a high 5! :)

  14. Wholly Cow! Im gone on Vaca for a few days and now you are adopting a baby? Thats freekin awsome! Congratts! ok...So ...When's the baby shower???

  15. First time leaving a comment here, but I just wanted to say congratulations!!! I'm looking forward to following along on your adoption journey : )


  16. So cool Lacey! It's just wonderful and exciting news. It seems like things are falling into place. And what a beautiful name. I just love it! Can't wait to hear all about your journey. HUGS of JOY! ;) (haa haa, I didn't mean to make it a play on words, but after I wrote it I realized they call her Joy!)

  17. Jax is adorable! Love the name:)

  18. I just read your comment to me about this coming weekend. I can't take the boy out of school either Friday or Monday. :( I was thinking about bringing the girl (hehe) to Dland with me Monday. Do 3 years olds get in free, or only 2 year olds? I'm trying to decide if I can sneak her in for free. She looks older than 2 I think? Hmmm ...

    If not, perhaps we can meet you somewhere else Sunday?

  19. What a cute name! Kayla is totally going to say you are naming the baby after her. :-) Can't wait to be an Auntie! Oh and Jax is so cute in the those pictures.

  20. Jax looks like he was sure working hard in therapy!!

    what exciting news to hear that Brandon will stay with the boys! I know that was one thing you were so worried about with doing an international adoption; thank goodness that is covered now!

    Love the name!

  21. This is OH SO very exciting! LOVING her beautiful name!

  22. Love those pink feet!! We're so excited for your to bring your baby home! We're pulling for you!

  23. OK - so we went out of town and now I'm catching up on blogs...
    I am sooo excited for you!!!! Love the name Makayla. She is going to be such a little princess. I found this amazing blog the other day and they had raise over $20,000 for their adoption. I was going to email you the link, but now I can't find it... working on it...

  24. I've looked on Reece's Rainbow a couple of times and can't find baby Joy....where is she?

    Also, how can you tell which country the children are from? I can't figure out their site! But, I did find 'my girl' on there this weekend! I am in love, but unfortunately we aren't quite 'there' yet! :(

    I'm SO excited for you though! Hugs!!!

  25. I am thrilled for y'all! A little disappointed I don't get Jax :) - but how wonderful for Brandon, who knows Jax. It will be so good for the boys to have a familiar face.
    Congrats - wish I was as brave as you!
