
Monday, April 5, 2010

More baby girl stuff!

Jaxson's itty bitty butt makes me nut's!!

Well I had a huge dilemma that I needed help with that has somewhat resolved itself. As you know we are trying to get the baby girl in New York that isn't born yet. He said it would be about 3 weeks, its been a week. I'm trying not to get my hopes up because I have no idea how many families have put in for her. But soon after I put our paperwork in for her, I found a girl on Reeces Rainbow that caught my eye. She was so sweet and looked a lot like Jax. Then I noticed that she already had over 8,000 dollars in her account! Not until I talked to Heather did I know that this girl had a family that last minute had to stop the adoption. And that it was well known in the blogworld because the young daughter raised all the money to get her. So I knew that she would go fast! I didn't know if I dare put our name on her not knowing about the baby in New York yet. But I just got an email from Andrea saying that they've already placed her. I'm wishing that they didn't even put her profile back up. I'm sure people were emailing about her as soon as they found out. Then I wouldn't have seen her and been disappointed yet again! I did find another baby girl that I really fell in love with. Baby Joy! I still worry that Reeces Rainbow won't work for us, but I would really love it to. Fundraising is not my strong suit, but I put a donation button on top of the blog if you would like to donate to our adoption fund! I will be trying to think of other fundraising things to do. This is were I need your help. If you have a great fundraising idea, or have something that can be donated to our raffle, please let me know!

I haven't put an adoption page up, because I'm waiting to see which baby we are raising for. And I'm still waiting to here from Andrea about this beautiful baby Joy!

Stay tuned, it may get interesting!


  1. Lots of decisions for your family. I know you'll make the right one.

  2. First - your color isolation turned out great!
    Normally, you finalize an adoption in the state/place that you live. We agreed to go back to TX to finalize so the birthparents could see him one more time...

  3. I'm aching for a sweet DS girl very BADLY too! If fact, I just blogged about needing a girl!

    The waiting, wondering and the figuring out the best option is SO hard!

    Just remember, "All things work out for good." This is what I'm trying to tell myself anyway!

    Hope you get your girl soon! Me too!

    LOVE the picture of Jaxson's cute little bum! :)

  4. I thinks it's awesome that you're adopting! I'd love to donate something, i'll see what I have.

    Everytime I go on R.R., I want to adopt them all. My husband and I have talked about it when Ava gets older.

  5. That's the baby I was talking about when Jax was in the hospital girlie....Didn't think it was the right time to mention it while he was sick but that be her....I got an email about her from a friend on special needs group I'm in...Check your email...Sent your invite to my private blog.

  6. His tush is so adorable. =)

    I am praying for your baby girl!

  7. There is so much up in the air, I hope that it settles down around you as good news. It must be hard not knowing what road to take. Hang in there .. your little girl IS out there!

  8. Oh man I'm sorry that little girl is going to a family already!! I'm not good at the fundraising thing either. I will see what I can come up with!! I can't wait to hear about the baby in June!!

  9. I am so not good at fundraising - Alan is much better at it than I am. I hope something works out soon so that you will get some much needed answers!

  10. Fundraising... I have been working on a Big CF yard sale for the past 3 months, and lots of people have donated stuff for us to sale... Other ideas would be selling Blowpops for .25 or any other bulk item, perhaps place these items in an office, or child care bldg. You had talked about doing a raffle!? That was a great idea! I know you will find something!

  11. I can't believe I have missed so many wonderful posts of your. I love it how you did the whole easter egg hunt with Jax, yes I know it's so easy at times to think they don't understand so there's no need to involve them, but we don't really know how much the brain retains, remember output directly reflects what input there is, and input depends totally on us, so yes we should involve out kids in as much as possible. I really enjoyed all the photos. Also wishing you all the luck in the world with your baby girl. I think you're getting closer!

  12. Hey Lacey! Long time since I've checked on your blog. So glad to hear that all is moving forward with the adopting a baby girl! Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that God's will be done and you get the baby girl that will be the best fit with your family! God Bless!

  13. Is Joy in orphanage 13? just looking for her on the RR site....
    Piper told me last night that she wants a baby sister. I told her to ask again when she's 8 and then we could get her one that's 3 or 4 (and Steve didn't balk at the mention of it... hmmm)

  14. I have been following this one blog who is adopting two little girls from the Ukraine and ONLY the mom is there. I haven't been able to find anywhere in the blog where she mentions how she is doing it alone but it is worth looking in to. By the way...I love Jax's little butt!!! See you soon!!

  15. Oh Lacey, I sure hope you get your girl soon, no matter who she comes to you from. I can just tell your heart is too big to wait too much longer. You just might pop!

    Have a great week

  16. Am thinking that tush is too cute for words. :D

  17. Id be going nuts waiting and wondering. Praying HE brings you a perfect little baby girl just right for your family in HIS perfect timing....but Id like it to be tomorrow:-)
