
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jax greatest toy!

We are still trying to figure our little man out. One thing we know for sure, he has the Down syndrome stubbornness!
Since his brain injury was an extremely rare type. Hypoglycemia (low glucose) and hyperpyrexia (high temperature), we didn't know what it would do to him. While it did leave him severely delayed, we cannot get this kid to hold things in his hands, or even look at toys! I am starting to think some of it is just his stubbornness!
But this kids hands are constantly going, going at his face. His face has become his toy. And he is starting to do things that he hasn't done before!
He often hides his face from me.

He's putting his fingers in his mouth. Thats new. He will allow NOTHING else in his mouth!

Sucking on the tongue is another good one!

Or you can always resort to the left hand over the eye, one finger in the nose, the other in the mouth trick! Hey, I'll take it!

Ray is doing his final project for his photography class and he wanted to take pictures of our special kids. But weather never permits or we've been super busy. We were thinking this Saturday at West Jordan park, the one with the old time playground. But weather is not supposed to be great that day either. But we will plan on it until we see the weather that day. If you want to come we'd love to photograph your little one. If weather is bad, we may just have to come to my house and do it! Let me know!


  1. Jax, you are a little stinker...just like Gavin! Gavin constantly has his hands at his face too and in his mouth, despite HATING anything else in it!

    Gavin's teacher called to tell me she was worried about Gavin sticking his finger in his eye so often and that it may be due to his being legally blind. I told her thanks for your concern, but Gavin always has his fingers at his face and I feel it's just his way of doing something, instead of being bored and that I don't think it's anything to worry about.

    It's just what Gavin and Jax do! Silly boys! :)

  2. Love the fingers in his mouth pic. Oh so cute. The next one looks like he is playing peekaboo!

  3. When you've got five fingers, it's a good thing you've got places to put them!
    What time Saturday? We have a baptism, vet appt, and friend's bday party Saturday, but may be able to still make it... let me know what time :)

  4. many pros to having his hands as his faveorite toy! Just keep his nails trimmed. So.,.. ive only gotten 2 friends email address' what gives? I will call you or email you later to talk times and when and place (hoping your place would be okay, as mine is small) anyway, we will discuss all of it later!

  5. love the pics of jax playing with his hands!!! little stinker is the word that comes to mind when you mention stubbornness!!! i think a lot of us have "little stinkers" on our hands :)
    tell tanner whitney says hi!!!

  6. Dang, I wish I lived near you. Just long enough for this photo shoot! Then I would want to come back to SoCal. :)

  7. He is just sooo cute! Christopher does that sucking on the tongue thing too - STILL! Can't get him to suck on a pacifier or a straw, but his tongue will do every time. LOL!


    Steph & Christopher

  8. Love the sucking of the tongue - one of Bell's favs.

    Could it be the hand over the eyes is "enough with the pictures Mom?" ;)

    loved seeing Jax today!

  9. Oh are a funny one!! I love that you are so unique that no one will ever be able to figure out exactly what is going on in your mind (Now medially speaking I don't want you to be unique...I want them to figure everything out). Abbey and Emma were just asking me if you guys are still coming down in June?

  10. How cute, and it's perfect that he always has his favorite toy right there with him! :)

  11. I was reading your post today and had to laugh. My son Hunter has DS and infantile spasms (100 + seizures per day) but he is slowly developing. He is the same way...he will suck on his hands but is no way going to touch anything but himself or our hands. He will watch toys, watch you play with toys, but he is not going to play/touch a toy. It is not that he is incapable, he just chooses not to. I too feel he is just being stubborn. Silly boys!

  12. those little fingers look delicious too me. :-) cute pictures, thanks for sharing.

  13. Yep... Zoey is a tongue sucker too.Mostly when she is tired.Not much in that girls mouth since she has gone cold turkey on food or drink ... frustrating but she'll get it back.

    Love the pictures and love you all.

  14. Yay for new things! We take the wins where we can get them huh?!

  15. The face is one of the most complex "toys" there is. So much to explore. I am sure he is having a blast, and yes I did design those shirts but am having them professionally printed. =)

  16. The one picture made me think, "Speak No Evil." How exciting that he's trying some new things out!

  17. I love it! If my face were as cute as Jaxson's, I'd be touching it all the time too!

    Have a great weekend!

  18. Cute pictures! :) Wish I was local. I'd bring Ben for your picture taking day!
