
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The botched picture taking!

Little babysitter Carter, the baby whisperer!

On my sisters last day here, we wanted to get a picture of all the grandkids. Oh yeah, let me just say I'm glad we didn't pay someone to do it, it would have been a total waste of money. The girls were so shy, and didn't want to cooperate at all.
Evie is not even in any of them, except the one were you see her off on the side. Little stinker.
These are hilarious!

They would only pose for their moms camera. But no smiles!

The kids love to watch my dad. They are watching grandpa clean out his fish pond. Exciting stuff I tell ya!

Ray saw me and my sister sitting together and snapped a few. And of course, the best pic of me and my sister has the baby barfing at the bottom. I'd say the day was a bust!

Oh, and you'll want to spread the word...Paul Cardall has agreed to donate some autographed CD's for our auction!


  1. Great pics (always works better for us to NOT have a pro do our pics)The one of your niece spitting up is priceless!!!

  2. I love the cute picture of you and your sis and a little baby spit up! :)

  3. Hey - just photoshop the barf right out - haha.

  4. love the one of you and your sister with the baby spitting up...hilarious and quite typical!

    And i read your earlier blogs from regarding the poor soul who is saying nasty things. My prayers are with you as you deal with ignorance. Jaxson is beautiful. Just remember people like that need our prayers, there is nothing we can say to them that will change their hearts or minds. And I hate that you have encountered this evil. Hugs to you.

  5. I've laughed until I cried at your pictures this morning. I have to agree that the one with your niece spitting up is priceless! Awesome pictures!

  6. Awesome photos! Isn't that life with kids...everyone gets all dolled up and ready then somebody barfs! LOL

  7. Great photos Lacey - I LOVE Carter the baby whisperer!

  8. Oh great pics - sometimes the real life ones are best anyway. Love the baby spitting up too.

  9. Looks like you all had a great time together. Candid pictures are always better than posed. Thanks for sharing the pics.

  10. What a cute bunch of kiddos! It is so difficult to get more than 2 children to cooperate in a photo session! The pictures turned out cute anyway.

    It looks like Carter is going to be a great big bother and helper to Makayla! :) HUGS!!!

  11. I like the pics. The one with you and your sister is really good!
