
Friday, March 12, 2010

Zoey's birthday bash!

Ok friends, major picture overload this post. I combined Zoey's birthday with our last day of Disneyland!
And say a prayer for Zoey's big sis Jess, she had an emergency appendectomy last night. Get well soon Jess.

Our boys were in heaven when they were reunited with their buddy's, Heather's boys. They have so much fun together!

Of course Ella and her family were there.

A birds eye view of the party!

We met Reid for the first time. That kid is such a ham!

We also met Tate. His family adopted him from Ukraine. Isn't he gorgeous?!

I was excited to find out Gwendolyn and her family were there!

Sweet Madison and her mommy!

The mommy's and their angels!

These pics are my favorite! With the light behind her she looks like an angel!

After the party Mark took a picture of our family for us.

I have a cute video of us singing happy birthday to Zoey, but I need to figure out how to load it because its being a pain.

Our last day in Disneyland.
We tried a couple of rides were you can leave your kids in their wheelchairs. Small World and Toy Story ride. Jax was asleep so it was nice to leave him in there to enjoy the rides!


What a perfect way to end Disneyland, with the mouse and his misses!


  1. Oh - that makes me want to have a bday party for Max... I wasn't going to since we usually just do a family get together... I wish it was warmer so we could just go to a park or something.

  2. What a wonderful vacation! I can see how difficult it must have been to come home after all that fun! Especially getting to spend time with lots of great friends!

    The pictures are great! They left me with a smile on my face! HUGS!!!

  3. Fantastic pics, loved seeing all the kids together at Zoeys party.

  4. Oh Lacey, what beautiful pictures! The one of Zoey with the light behind her is awesome! Thanks for posting them. So much cuteness in one place. What a wonderful day!

  5. Love all the pictures! What a great family shot! And the angelic pictures of Zoey are great! :) Thanks for sharing!

  6. I just caught up on your Disneyland pictures - how fun! Love the pictures of Zoey and her party - looks like it was a blast. How fun to meet more kiddos in person! Glad you trip went well and you got home safely! Praying that Jaxson won't need airway surgery. Seriously - these airway issues are becoming a big pain.

  7. oh my goodness - so many of the wonderful people that I know in one room. How wonderful!
    I'm so glad y'all had a good time. It looks like so much fun!

  8. Lacey, you and your husband got so many great pictures!!! I love the angelic looking ones of Zoey and the one of Zoey and Heather smiling at each other, so sweet! ...and little Tate, I fell in love with him! I showed Reid the pictures and when he saw his picture he started laughing and kept saying, "Weed, Weed"...he's not so good with R's ;). I can't believe it was a week ago already. I read your hopes to head out here permanently...that would be so great! Luke loved playing with your boys. Glad you guys are home was fun to spend time with you!

  9. Oh your photos are simply gorgeous! I love the ones of Zoey in the light -- an angel as you said.
