
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The insiders guide.

First, Happy Happy 3rd Birthday to my Zoey girl! We'll see you in a few days!

I thought since we are leaving tomorrow, I would give some tips on getting cheaper hotels and tickets to Disney parks. I very rarely pay full price for anything when we go out of town. Get away today is who I've been using the last 5 years or so. You can book your whole trip through them. They have cheaper rates on hotels and tickets. One great deal in California, the Hilton Suites is doing the 3rd night free until 2011! Thats were we are staying this weekend. And this is a two room suite, and get away today includes a FULL breakfast every morning there. Get away today has always been fantastic, they send all your vouchers to you in the mail and you just present them to the hotel and parks. and usually have a discount on tickets every year. Like last year it was adults play for the kids price. And this year you can get a free day at a Disney park by performing service. I haven't looked into this one so I don't know what the rules are, but its worth a shot!
I never use travelocity or those sites just because everytime I look there its no cheaper than booking through the hotels website. Plus they charge a service fee. I have some friends that like but I've never booked through them. The reason is you name a price, and if they find a hotel that will accept that price it automatically books it. I like to see the hotel first, but my friend paid 45 bucks a night at Holiday Inn through priceline, so thats another good choice. If your planning on going to multiple parks saves you a lot of money. There are city passes for big cities throughout the whole country. New York, Chicago, Seatle, and many more. They include multiple activities and save you a boatload of money. Thats another one to check out.
And if your afraid to take your medically fragile child to Disneyland, don't fret, they are fantastic! They've helped us out more than once with Jaxson. One day we took off to the park without checking how much oxygen we had. We ended up running out in the middle of the park. One employee walked us down the middle of the parade route to get us to first aid. They put him on their tank until we could get a new one. They also told us to bring an extra tank and they would hold on to it for us in case we needed it. And I'm sure you know about their handicap pass. It allows us to wheel Jax right up to the ride, and most rides they will stop to give us time to safely get on and off. Disney is a great place for special needs kids to enjoy!


  1. Thanks for the tips! Sounds like you have some great ones!

    I am so excited for you! I can't wait to see Disney and Zoey pictures! How fun!

    Enjoy yourselves and have an awesome and safe trip! HUGS!!!

  2. thank you so much, lacey, for the great travel tips! we have not been to disneyworld or disneyland yet with the girls, but anne is really starting to talk about it, so hopefully sometime not too far into the future!

    i am getting so excited for you guys for your trip - have so much fun! can't wait to hear all abuot it and see pictures :)

  3. Can't wait for pictures with Mickey!!!

  4. Thanks Lacey for sharing all those great travel tips! Cannot wait to see the pics! Travel safe and have tons of fun:)

  5. Have an awesome and safe trip! Can't wait to see pics!

  6. Can't wait to hear all about your disneyland trip! And I'm going to have to check out those sites for sure, thanks for the tips!

  7. We cannot wait to see you ... Zoey cannot wait to give you all big zoey hugs and kisses.Safe travels and we will see you soon!

  8. Thanks for the travel tips, can't wait until we can afford a real vacation!!!

    Have fun In Disney!! Waiting patiently for some cute photos.

  9. Have a great time~ Can I send Aidan with you? He has been begging to go back since we went to Orlando in July. What's one more boy for ya really? LOL.
    Hope it is a super fun time and a great vacation.
    Enjoy. Can't wait for the pics after you get home.

  10. one day we will go there. You make it all sound so easy :)

    Have a fantastic time!!

  11. we just got back is was so fun Mariah loved it! and the special needs pass came in handy it was crowded. I hope the cheerleaders are gone by the time you get there have fun

  12. Have a wonderful time!! I can't wait to see pics of Jaxson at Disneyland!

  13. Beautiful pictures of Jax...have a safe and happy trip, big hugs to Jax, Zoey and Ella!

  14. Have lots of fun! I am so excited for you guys! Can't wait to see the pictures and hear about it!

  15. Amazing pic of Jax! Have a GREAT trip!!!! Hug that Zoey for me! ;)

  16. I made a picture for you of Jaxson...I don't know your email address you i can't sent it...
