
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Home, but not sweet home!

Hi everyone, we're home! We stayed an extra day, can't get enough of that place. It was also nice to not have the computer for a few days, although I missed all of you too! I know a lot of times its nice to be home, but not really here. Don't get me wrong, I love my house, if I could pick it up and move it to California, that would be perfect! Most of you know we've been wanting to move to California ever since we got married. Ray is from California, and we have family and tons of friends there. But California is not cheap, so we were waiting for the right time. We got more serious about it when Jax was a baby and our local childrens hospital messed up countless times. Not to mention nearly killing him, leaving him severely delayed. We wanted to get him to better health care. The last year we have been really trying to get down there. We feel like we are ready financially, but now with the economy, jobs are hard to find. Ray is going into law enforcement, and every agency down there is on a hiring freeze. So we are looking for things related to law enforcement to get us to California. It doesn't help when you drive back into Utah and into a blizzard! We were ready to turn around and go back! Anyway, we had a fantastic time, and miss our dear friends already! Soon, we will be there for good. Jax did well, no ER visits this time, wahoo! He did start coughing horribly. The trach nurse said its the change in elevation, being in a new place, and hotel rooms have horrible allergens! She said California is actually better humidity for his trach, but he needs to get used to it.
Here's some pics from the first day!
The happiest place on earth!

Jax enjoying Disneyland!

Tanner and Pluto

Being silly, waiting for Ella and her family to meet us.

Ella and her daddy!

Great friends having a great time.

The new fantastic Toy Story ride in California Adventure.

The boys enjoying the day.

Does this girl look tired at the end of the day?

This boy sure does!


  1. So glad you made it home safetly and had such a wonderful time. It's always hard to come home from that magical place!!

  2. so happy your trip was such a great time!!!! wouldn't it be wonderful to be on vacation for at least a month???!!! :) glad you were able to meet up with so many friends while you were in california, too! i hope you can move there soon (will you take me with you?)

  3. Glad your back! Hope you guys had lots of fun!!! What cute pics!

  4. Sorry you had to come home to a snow storm.....yuck! Vacations are always so hard to end! Glad you had a great time and it's great to hear from you again! Hope the transition back to home goes well! Love and Hugs!!!

  5. We miss you guys being here already!!! We had so much fun with your family and can't wait until the next time!!! Glad you are home safely but hope Jax stops coughing soon!!

  6. Glad you had a great time and I wish you the best of luck in getting back to CA for good. My sister is in northern CA and I long to move there with her too. Thanks for sharing the pictures. They were awesome!!!!

  7. Welcome home. So glad you guys had a terrific vacation and no emergencies!!!

  8. I am so glad you enjoyed your vacation! Oh... I miss the weather in California!

  9. looks like you had a wonderful time, loved seeing all the pictures.

  10. Great pics!!! I'm so happy you guys had such a fun time! I want to move to California too (my dad and a lot of other family live there) but I can't seem to talk my husband into moving there. Maybe someday!

    We ordered our kimba! They didn't have a pink:( But we got the green like yours and we ordered a lot of other accessories. I will have to let you know when we get it how it all works out.

    I can't wait to hear more about your trip. Way fun!!

  11. So glad you had fun, looks like a BLAST!

  12. It was so nice to meet you in person. And to meet Jaxson. So glad you had a nice visit.

  13. We lived in Southern CA for 2 years, weather was awesome, earhquakes freaked me out (we had two while I was there - small and medium), I was ready to leave when my husband said he'd been transfered. I'm so glad you had a great time, and have loved seeing all the picutes of you bloggers all together. I hope you get settled quickly and the weather improves even faster!

  14. Sounds and looks like you had a great time!

  15. Awesome! It looks like everyone had a great time and you got to meet some friends to boot!

    I hope you can arrange to move to California soon. It sounds like it would be a great place for your family.

    To answer the question you left in your comment on my blog: Yes the surgery is a good thing. She will be able to get rid of the trach, about two months after the surgery. I am just having a hard time knowing we have a date. I am never good with my baby having surgeries and this one is the biggest one to date. It comes with an increased risk for aspiration and it will most likely change her voice forever, making it sound breathy, raspy and not as loud. I know the end result is what we are looking for but I am just having a hard time processing that we will be doing this in three months and considering all the risks that go along with it.

    Thanks for your support!

  16. that looks like so much fun
    grateful for Jax's health during the trip - no ER, yeah!

  17. so glad you could go there! We are trying to go in a month and I really hope it works out!! Jax is so darling and I love his stylish outfit in the last pic!

  18. You SO needed that! Wonderful memories! Thanks for sharing happy pictures of your precious family time together. What a blessing that Jax cooperated and was healthy enough to go!
    We've MISSED your blog...but even that you needed a break from:-)

  19. Welcome Back! It looks like you had an awesome time!

  20. Wow great great pictures...what fun everyone must have had!! I know that feeling when one gets back from a great holiday, nothing worse than that! But hey beautiful memories were made, and soon Cal will be a reality for you guys hopefully. Keep my fingers crossed that it works out soon.
    Glad to see you back online again! Looking forward to more pics! Hugs to Jax

  21. aaawww what magical pictures so glad you enjoyed yourselves, one day i would LOVE to take Deqlan to, then when you stay in California we can come and visit!

  22. Beautiful, beautiful pictures. I'm so glad you had a good time and Jax stayed well!

  23. Lacey...They are going through LDS Family services. If you want I can give my friend your contact info?

  24. I know exactly what you mean about loving California. I was raised there and we moved to Ohio when I was 14. I miss it and would love to move back.

    I'm glad you're back and had a good time. Great pictures!

    Did you get the fabric I sent?

  25. Looks like so much fun!Great pictures!You always dress Jax so cute:)

  26. Glad you guys had such a fun trip! I hope you can make it to CA soon permanently. Good luck!

  27. I'm so glad you guys had such a good time and Jax was on his best behavior, minus the coughing of course! Those are great pictures!!
