
Tuesday, March 16, 2010


This morning we have our ENT appointment to look at that airway again. I think its tracheal Malaysia past even these longer trachs. Keep your fingers crossed that airway surgery right now is not the only option to fix it. We know he needs the surgery, but we were hoping to do it years down the road when we were ready to take the trach out. This is a huge surgery with a minimum 10 day PICU stay!

Jax cute Mickey ears beanie. Yes he is asleep, a lot of times he sleeps with his eyes open a tad!


  1. He looks so cute in that outfit! I hope you will find the answers you need at the ENT appt.

  2. That hat is so freekin awsome! I hope Jax the best of luck today at the ENT and things will fall in your favor. My fingers are crossed!

  3. Fingers crossed and praying for good news! Jax is so adorable! My kids sleep with their eyes open to :D

  4. I hope it goes good for you at the ent! I LOVE that hat! Did you get it at disneyland?

  5. Good luck - love the new hat!!

  6. Praying for great news today from the ENT!

  7. Hope the appointment goes well! And, you come away with a solution, other than surgery!

    I LOVE the hat! Jax looks so cute in it! HUGS!!!

  8. i hope the ent has good news for you - do you also see a pulmonologist about this? just curious... whitney has tracheomalacia, laryngomalacia, and bronchomalacia - the pulmonolgist could tell just by hearing her about the first two malacia's but the ent did a bronchoscopy on her when she had her first set of tubes put in and confirmed the broncheomalacia... as of now the pulmonologist and ent want to just wait and see - they both think that with age these things will hopefully resolve themselves wthout surgery - i really really hope the same is true for jax!!!

  9. I'm praying! and I love his hat:)
