
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The bloggers challenge!

Ok dear friends. I've been lacking on posting pics on the blankie blog, so here are some more cute kido's.
But when I was on there I noticed that we only have 20 followers on the blankie blog. We need to spread the word on the blankies. So my challenge is for you to go over and become a follower of the blankie blog! Spread the word, add the blankie button to your blog. Click on the highlighted blankie or click on the blankie logo with Jaxsons cute face on the left side of this page.
We have sent out over 150 blankies so far! We've been to Africa, Australia, England, Canada, and soon New Zealand! You don't know how much joy these blankies bring to sick kids, and even their parents. I just got an email from a friend that requested a blankie for her nephew. He got the blankie right before he went in for his 3rd open heart surgery. His mom held on to the blankie while he was in surgery. A comfort for her!

I don't like to beg for donations, but there is a donation button on the blankie blog if you would like to help. It definitely helps, all the money for the blankies comes out of mine and my helpers pockets. Also, some people like to go out and pick the fabric themselves, so they can see the finished product on the blog! If you'd like to do that we get 1 1/4 yard. Flannel material, two pieces, a front and back. And we can use any cute material, boy or girl, we get requests for everything. We try to make the blankie specifically for each child based on colors and things they like.

Here's the blankie video again if you haven't seen it. I would like to do an updated one with new blankie recievers soon!

Thanks friends, lets get more followers on that blog!


  1. What precious children! That is a video full of fighters and determination! And, look how happy they are with their Blankies! Keep up the great work Lacey! We still love our Blankie, and use it almost daily! Thanks again! Hugs!!!

  2. We love the blankie blog - I don't think I am a follower but I will do that! And we do have a blankie button on our blog to help spread the word. You are so awesome for doing this for all the kids - I know they appreciate and love it!

  3. I really appreciate you
    Your helpful, giving ways
    And how your generous heart
    Your unselfishness displays
    I thank you for your kindness
    I will not soon forget

    Parker received his amazing Jaxson Blankie today. I will send pictures tomorrow!

    thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

    You are truly the reason to love thy neighbor!

  4. I wanted to again thank you go the beautiful blanket that I received for my Angel Ethan.

  5. Done. I just subscribed and added your button to Reagan's blog. What a wonderful thing you do for these kiddos!
