
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ready for summer clothes!

First of all, my gripe!
I am so sick of DCSF I could scream! I called today and she said that she got the home study and she gave it to the case worker for the baby. And that the case worker is going to look through it and then call me. Then she says that she has a couple of home studies to look through!

Uh, say again!

First, back in December, there was no families for this baby. Then all of the sudden they have multiple families, so I give up. I call in early January to say we are doing our home study and are still interested and am told that they still haven't found a family for her. She called me a couple of weeks ago to see how my home study was going and if it was almost done, so obviously she wants our home study. Now there are a couple of families again? OMG! I don't know if she's just telling me that so I don't get too confident, I don't know, all I know is that I'm beyond frustrated. So we are back to waiting to hear from DCSF. In the meantime, I'm pursuing other agencies, so if you know any special needs adoption places, or even a baby girl that needs a home, email me please! I want to be ready to go forward if this doesn't work out. I feel attached to this baby that I've never even seen and I feel like my heart is being played with! But now that my home study is done I can look anywhere for a baby!

Anyway, moving on to better things. I pulled the boys shorts out of storage to get ready for our California weekend trip in a couple of weeks! I was trying Jax shorts on him, the determination, this boy needs no summer clothes! All of his shorts from last year still fit! Some he's even had 3 years in a row! The good thing is it save's me money. The other good thing is my favorite shorts of his still fit him. And you'll never guess what size they are?

Yes, my 4 year old can still wear 6-12 month shorts!

Also I found these sooo cute baby flip flops I had to get for Jax for summer! Yes they are a size 1, Jax still wears newborn size shoes!

But aren't they the best!

So Cal here we come!!


  1. Lacy I love the fact that the things I worry about you are so casual about... haha! This is a good thing for me, helps me mellow out! Jonah too is still wearing 12mo clothing, I have bought enough clothes to last him the next few years, at the rate he is growing, they are sure to fit him by the time he's 16 So sorry to hear about the frustrations you are facing. My fingers are crossed that all works out in your favor. The waiting game is an unfair game. Remember, Patience is bitter, but it's fruit is sweet.

  2. I just bought Max some flip flops too! But they fit him right now, so they'll probably be too small when summer comes.

  3. That's great that you don't have to buy Jax any new clothes. Those flip flops are super cute. I bet you are counting the minutes until your trip.

  4. So sorry to hear about the baby frustrations, keep the faith, that was most probably just a passing comment so that you don't expect things to happen overnight, more like buying time on their side. Other adoption news, I believe that Lena still hasn't found a home but she isn't a new born, which is something you might really want besides she would require you guys to travel out of the country, which I guess makes it all a little complicated. But she is such a darling isn't she?
    I LOVE the flip flops, they are the cutest, can't believe you get them in such a small size...looks like you're getting all set for Cal, all of you deserve the best holiday ever, I'm sure you're going to have a blast!

  5. sorry that was a typo...I meant Lera (not Lena)

  6. awww those flip flops are just to gorgeous for words!

  7. Your little guy is precious. No other way to describe him! Love those tiny little feet. Love that cute little face. Love the whole package!!

    Keep the faith regarding your little girl. It will all work out in the end.

    I love those shorts too!!!!

  8. Justin sounds a lot like Jax! He hasn't grown one bit! So funny... I was doing the same thing just the other day. Justin can still fit into last years clothes too! In fact, his winter clothes still drown him and I swore he would have grown into them during winter! Love that our "big boys" are staying babies!

  9. I could just eat those little toes up! What a sweet little man!

    Gavin has worn size 18-24 months clothing for at least the last 2 1/2 years. So, I can relate. He grew really fast in the 1st year and then he just stopped growing! Crazy! I'm not complaining though.....little is great when they can't even sit up on their own, right?!

    I am so jealous that you are headed to warm weather and fun! You deserve it though!

    Having patience is so difficult! Especially if you are waiting for a baby girl! Hang in there! It will happen when it's supposed to happen! Love, Hugs and Prayers!!!

  10. Look at those itty bitty toes!! I love teeny toes. Remember my post about Peanut's teeny toes? She's 6.5 years old and wears a size 7 in toddler's shoes! :) And wearing the same clothes year after year ... we are in the same boat. My girl gets new clothes all the time because I can't help but buy cute girl stuff, but she surely doesn't need them.

    I hope that DCFS gets back to you soon. Waiting is impossible!

  11. Arg! I can imagine your frustration! I will keep praying for your baby girl to get to you SOON!
    So glad Jaxson is doing better, LOVE his shorts and sandals, and I am happy to see Presley isn't the only one who isn't growing from the waist down, LOL! She is true to size up top but is still a 6 month on the bottom, no wonder she still can't stand up, LOL!!!
    Have fun in Cali, no family deserves this fun more than you guys!

  12. He looks so big in the pictures - one day I'm going to have to get my hands on that boy! :)

    Ditto about adoption. It's so rough.

  13. Love the flip flops! Too cute Jax.
    Praying that you get some answers about the adoption. So excited for you guys to be heading to CA. Have a blast!


  15. Argh - state agencies can be so hard to work with. I run a licensed toddler program and have a friend who does foster care and we can totally sympathize with your frustrations!!!! It's almost (ALMOST) laughable how backwards they can be!

    Love the pics of Jax sportin' his summer clothes. He looks as cute as ever. Glad you have your trip to look forward to! Have a great time!

  16. Love the flippy's!
    Hope you hear so good news soon about baby girl.

  17. oh I'm so frustrated for you! Praying it all works out!

    I can't believe those are 6-12 mth shorts! They look big!

    Kayla used to be able to wear clothes more than one year too, it was nice not having to buy new clothes each season!

  18. so sorry for the frustrations with the adoption process!!! AGHHH!!! on another note, those flip flops on jaxson's feet are about the cutest thing ever :)

  19. I'm sorry to hear that the adoption is being a pain, but remember that everything happens for a reason. And those tiny flipflops are super cute! :)

  20. CUTE CUTE flip flops! Send us some sunshine!

  21. YAY for summer clothes! You're giving me spring fever! So glad you have disney to look forward to!

  22. please check the weather before your trip - i live in california and the next week or so has cold weather (cold for us is in the 50's and 60's)
