
Sunday, January 31, 2010


Yes we are heading to PICU, I'll update later. He is requiring to much support and needs to be on the ventilator. Blood cultures came back positive today also so vanco has been started for that.


  1. OH JAXSON BUDDY! I'm so sorry Lacey that he's not doing well!!! Please hang in there & know that I'm praying for him HARD!!!!

    Sending MAJOR POSITIVE VIBES & ALL of my love & PRAYERS!!
    Try to keep on updating PLEASE;)

  2. Praying for you Jax.... Love you buddy!

  3. (((LACEY)))
    glued to the computer

    Hang in there little one...

  4. Oh no! I really don't like the PICU. No beds for mothers to stay with their kids. We'll be back in the hospital in a few days, I'll look for you. I'll be thinking about and praying for Jax. Keep us posted.

  5. SORRY! Praying for you guys. PICU to PICU...Ben sends his love too. :(

  6. I am SO SORRY Lacey! Poor Mr. Jax! I'll be PRAYING, PRAYING, PRAYING!!! Lots of Love and Big Hugs!!!

  7. Will he still be a one on one because of his trach so that you can at least get some rest? Praying that he will battle this latest ailment fiercely!!

  8. Praying and thinking of you and your family!

  9. Thinking of you and your family Lacey. My oldest just went to get Livia's blankie (that has Jax's picture on it) so that he could be closer to our hearts. Sending lots of love your way.

  10. Sending more prayers your way!

  11. Praying Praying and Praying!!!
    Love you Lacey!!!!!

  12. Lacey,
    We are praying for strength for you and your family. Get better Jaxson!! We are pulling for you.

  13. I put a prayer on my blog so I hope the prayers keep coming.

    Love you and praying for a speedy recovery.

  14. Oh, I'm so sorry that Jax is so sick. We'll keep praying. Hopefully those antibiotics will kick in really quickly.

    Lots of love.

  15. Saying prayers for Lil Jax!!!! Get Better Soon!!!

  16. So sorry Lacey. I'd rather be in the PICU than the floor though. I hope you got one of our favorite Intensivists. Praying for a fast recovery!

  17. Hugs to you both. I will pray for Jax.

  18. Guess I shouldn't have "at least you're on the floor!" Sorry!!! I hope he makes a quick turn around and you guys get outta there quick. Positive mojo headed your way. HUGS!

  19. Ugh, Please keep us updated, we are praying for you all! Hugs from us!

  20. Lacey, so sorry Jax is so sick. I really wanted to communicate my feelings about the DNR thing with you, with regards to what I know, but I just don't feel comfortable doing so on a comment and I can't find your email anywhere on your blog. If you get a chance let me know how to get a hold of you in personal manner. In the mean time, I am praying like crazy for the little man! And no guilt about going home for sleep, he needs his mommy rested and he is in good hands!

  21. oh no! im sending lots of prayers your way that he gets to come home very soon and that he gets over whatever is hitting him!!!! big Hugs!!

  22. Sending tons of prayers and love your way! Calling prayer chains right now.

  23. Sending more and more prayers for sweet Jaxson :)
