
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Jaxson's new room

Jaxson love's those cheaker's kissed!!

Today we finally tackled rearranging Jax room. Putting his new crib and new chair in there, because I'm sooo ready for some night help! As we started moving things around though, what I had envisioned in my head wasn't going to work. So we did a lot of moving and changing. The concensus....Jax does indeed need the master bedroom! Now that we have two IV poles to add to everything else, there just is not enough room. His stander is now shoved in the corner of our front room because it just doesn't fit. And one of his rubbermaid shelves with supplies in it is stuck in his closet to save space and make his room look as un-medical like as possible (which I think we accomplished nicely) The colorful shelves hide medical supplies, although its getting to small. I'm thinking about selling it and getting a bigger one that has nine shelves.
One of his IV poles is not in this picture because it has his feeding pump on it so it moves to wherever he is at the time, at night it will go in front of his humidifier IV pole.
The other side of his room.

With tackling Jaxson's room taking all day, our Christmas stuff has yet to come down. So this will be a busy week. Tomorrow we start the background check for our homestudy, and we'll have to go get fingerprinted this week. Then I need to start making sure my house is childproof for the homestudy.
Busy, busy, busy!


  1. Those look like very kissable cheeks! I'm glad you are getting some night help. We would be so sleep deprived without it.

  2. love the new stuff, I want your rocker. I am interested it the shelves if you decide to go bigger. you can put the boys to work, what else are they going to do while off track!
    kiss the cheeks for me!!!!

  3. HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU JAX AND YOUR LOVELY FAMILY! May It be fantastic year, lots of fantastic health and laughter and happinesss ! Your room is looking very snazy! Your mom is one amazing lady! God Bless and hugs
    Mark Samm Deqlan Logan

  4. Just been catching up on all your earlier posts, been MIA for sometime. I hope you had a great Christmas and hope 2010 brings with it only good things, happiness, less stress, and good health for Jax. I pray that all your dreams and hopes for the new year come through. Jax's room looks lovely, so exciting to have got everthing you needed at such a good bargain. I hope you get a night nurse and some much needed rest, I don't know how you do it sometimes. Love those cheeks, please kiss them from me

  5. Good kind of busy in my opinion!I think 2010 is off to a good start.What exciting new beginnings.

    Love Jaxs' new room and love the picture of the two of you.I'll call tomorrow so we can catch up.

  6. Good luck with your home study :) I'm thinking about Friday, Jan 22nd for the playdate - do you have any appts that day?

  7. Wow! What a steal you got on those new items! His room looks great! I had to laugh because we too have that same George hangining on our walls! Jax looks so good! I hope that this year will be so much better then last! PS Hows the adoption going???

  8. His room looks great, which reminds me that I still have some moving left to do from our room switch. Give those cheeks some more kisses from all of us! And keep us posted on the home study, I'm so excited for you!

  9. Adorable picture of you kissing Jax!

    Great job on his room! (I like to keep things looking as non-medical looking as I possibly can too!)

    I have yet to take down Christmas decorations either! I'm always so sad to see them go!

    Hope your busy week goes well!

    Love and Hugs!!!

  10. The room looks great,
    Happy New Year

  11. His room looks great! Great job!
    Good luck on getting all the Christmas stuff put away and getting ready for the homestudy. Do the boys go back to school this week? Maybe that will give you a little time to accomplish all your stuff.

  12. I am overwhelmed with emotion! I have so much admiration for your family. I was next in line with you when you were at the carwash yesterday. I noticed you get out of you have and tend to your child. Then I noticed your sticker on the back with the website. I just want you to know that I will pray for Jaxson. I will never forget seeing that sweet little face! Thanks for sharing your beautiful son and his story!

  13. Love the pic of Jax! He is so cute! Glad that you are getting the room situation under control. I'll say a prayer that the home study goes smoothly. Good luck with dechristmastizing your house! I have the same thing on my plate this week too.

  14. He is such a sweet little boy. Hope your home study goes well.

  15. What a sweet picture! Busy, busy for sure!

  16. Just cathcing up. The room looks good. Sounds like a lot of work. Wysdom is still in our room for a while. Hope the homestudy goes well. Happy New Year. I guess I should take down my Christmas stuff too. Thanks for the reminder:)

  17. Jax's room looks great!

    To answer your question from my comments, yes Marissa's surgery will be that big. Her vocal chords are not paralyzed but they do not open all the way, hence the loud squeak you hear when she inhales. I detailed the info her ENT gave me in this post:

    We won't know exactly what surgery will be done and if she will have it done this Summer until Marissa has a bronch in a few months. I still don't know much about all this but I do know that if it is not able to be done endoscopically, it is a major surgery with major recovery time. From what I have heard from parents of kids who have had this is the most intense part of recovery is 1) finding the right cocktail of pain meds and sedatives to keep the kiddo comfortable while recovering and 2) weaning them off those drugs. They tend to go through pretty bad withdrawal symptoms, which can extend the hospital stay.

    If you have any more questions or just want to talk, you can email me at

    Have a great day!

  18. Lacey - everything looks great in Jaxson's room! That's chair looks so comfy and Jaxson's cheeks are so kissable - if I lived near I would volunteer to be his nurse!!
    Hope you have a wonderful new year!

  19. so cute - what a fun room!!
    Our OT offered us a hospital bed from another family she serves, but I just couldn't do it. My goal in life is to keep her room as unhospital-like as possible.

    good luck with the home study - love that y'all are moving forward. :)
