
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mail call!!

Meet Dawson, doesn't he look fresh from the tub and just plain yummy?

And here is the first of the rememberance blankies to be completely done. This one is going out today, so the momma who only got to have her baby for a few hours can get it before Christmas.

Yesterday we got two packages in the mail. One was from our dear friends Alicia and Gavin. They sent Jax some stuff for his birthday. This cute, cute t-shirt that I remember seeing at Cafepress and wanting to get for him.

And these sweet shoes to go with it. You know I love baby shoes, Jax has tons more shoes than anyone else in the house!

We also got our trach ties we ordered from Trina. So much cuter than the boring old ducks. Although they are hard to get pics of because 1. he has no neck from all the puffiness, and 2. He can't hold his head up to get a good picture.


  1. Those pirate shoes are to die for - soooo cute!!!

  2. I agree, I love the new pirate shirt and shoes....Sooo cute!

  3. The blankets look great as always...what a blessing you are to so many!

    We LOVE the pirate shirt and shoes so cute Jax!

  4. You look even cuter than I imagined you would Jax! Glad you like them!

    I think it is so wonderful of you to make these remembrance blankies! You're heart is so big!

    Love and Hugs!!!

  5. OMGoodness!!! That outfit is sooo cute! Love the shirt, love the shoes! He is a stylin little guy for sure.

  6. I swear every post I send to you is going to start with "How do you find the time??" Love the blankies. They are absolutely adorable and I'm sure will be treasured.

    Love the pirate shirt and shoes! Aargh!

  7. that shirt and shoes are soooo cute.

  8. Lacey, I am so glad you are able to make blankies for people. What a blessing this special ministry you created is for many people!!

    The pirate shirt and shoes are stinkin' adorable!! Great taste, Alicia and Gavin!! Those trach ties are awesome too. They look pretty comfy!

  9. Love the shirt and shoes - so cute. Jaxosn is always so stylish! The blankies you finished turned out awesome!

  10. Love the blankie... you continue to amaze me! LOVE the pirate get-up too!

  11. That pirate tee and shoes are simply adorable, I just love them. Jax is certainly one stylish little boy....

  12. The blanket is beautiful just like all the others you have shown us before. great job!

  13. Ahhhhh those priate shoes are so darn cute! And of coarse the top is cute too! That was a lovely surprise!
    YOu do such wonderful work dear Lacey - wow your blankies are to be treasured!
    We went yesterday but baby was not lying right at all = could not see a thing! Of we have to wait for the 30th Dec! Oh well I suppose all good things come to those who wait! God bless! Megs and Keaton

  14. He is sooooo cute in his pirate wear!! And what a beautiful blanket, I am sure that Mommy will treasure it!

  15. He looks cute in his new gear. Lucky guy. You are doing an amazing job with the blankets.They look great and am sure will be so appreciated. I can't figure out where you get the time??? Come on...share your secret:)

  16. oh my goodness that pirate outfit is just too much...SO CUTE!

  17. LUV LUV LUV the pirate goods! Too much!

    The remembrance blankie is just beautiful.

  18. Oh Jax I love your pirate outfit! Arrrrhhh! You look great!

  19. I love those trach ties - so cute. I didn't even know they made anything but the duckies.
