
Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy Monday after a holiday!

Good morning to everyone! I was reminded that there were no pics of Jax from the Christmas post yesterday. And as much as I hate to admit it, I often leave Jax out of stuff, because he just doesn't understand. He was asleep when we opened presents. I know, I'm horrible. My mom has a high chair that the back goes down, Jax can't sit completely upright. We have talked about getting one for Jax so we can sit him where we are so he doesn't miss out. So here's some Jax pics to make up for yesterday.

Carter finally lost his first front tooth yesterday. Yeah for uncles that just yank teeth out!

You get an extra dollar for front teeth!!

Jax is still having major air in his belly. And since I couldn't get those bags because of that dumb doctor, I have rigged my own thing. In our hospital they call it the murphy drip. I'll take a picture and show you tonight. You take a 60 cc syringe, and rubber band his feeding tubing so it drips into the syringe. Then his belly is constantly venting while your feeding. Its working pretty well, although it doesn't work when your out and about. And thank you to our friends that have priority mailed us some bags, hopefully we get them soon!


  1. Great pics of Jax, he is so cute.

    Oh yes we used that vent system for quite awhile but now love having the farrell bags. If you need more let me know, I have some extra cases.

  2. Thanks for the Jax pics...cute as always!!

  3. Thanks for my Jax fix! :)

    How exciting for Carter to lose his 1st tooth...he is way ahead of Caleb, our 6 year old, he doesn't even have any loose ones yet!

    Have a great day! HUGS!!!

  4. I'm very impressed with your ability to use your resources. I hope that the new feedings help with Jax tummy.

    I love the pic of Carter and his missing tooth. Cody actually lost all four front teeth and I have lots of pics to blackmail him later with. The funny thing is, he really does look cute.

    Love the pics of Jaxson. Seems like I got my fix! LOL

  5. Jax looks very sweet as usual! How exciting about Carter's front tooth. Did his uncle really yank it out? Ouch! :)

  6. We use the bags too... they are great :D I too have more bags that I can send to you if you need them. One thing that I do with Emmie is wrap her Gtube extention with it OPEN in a diaper it keeps it vented and plus you dont have that extra tubing to worry about. :D

  7. Haha I can't believe Matt pulled it out...but I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

  8. I am very curious to see your system and the bags when they arrive. Ashlea gets a lot of air in her belly and I have never heard of any of these solutions!

  9. no...not horrible. We did the same with Ben. He had a bad night and was finally sleeping by morning. No worries.

  10. I don't understand it yet - I'll have to see the bag.

    NOt horrible - Bella slept through Xmas too. Too much stim anyway for her.

    Loved the pics :)

  11. Greetings from San Jose Mom

    Perchance is Jaxson being treated at UofU? I'm back in San Jose, but spent a week in Salt Lake City with my parents. My dad is dying from MSA. The Sunday before Christmas he started having terrible pain in his legs and he's become so immobile the past two weeks I told my mom he needs a hospital bed! But NOTHING in the way of medicine happens in SLC during Christmas week apparently. The switchboard at UofU was completely useless and we couldn't get any of his doctors to respond to innummerable messages. He needed pain medication! We eventually found some old medication my mom had (expired) that I thought would do after reading about the drug interactions. So we gave it to him. The next day a friend who is a ENT doc said what we did was OK.

    This wouldn't be happening if he were being treated at Stanford. How do you stand Utah? It's so freaking cold...and the smog is horrible.

    Wishing my parents hadn't left San Jose for SLC....

  12. Can't wait to see pix of that! Addy's belly is always so distended! She sees the GI on Feb. 1st, I'm anxious to see what he says!

  13. I had used the syringe for Tomas until he was switched to J-feeds (there is a lot less air now). I never knew it had a name. I'm kind of bummed, I thought I had invented it. Oh, well. I also wanted to let you know that we opened presents without Tomas (sleeping) and he just "opened" his today. So, not only are you NOT a bad mother, but you are not alone. Merry Christmas.

  14. I got the aquarium/T.V. at Bed Bath and Beyond. They had 2 kinds, one like Gavin's and one with fish pictures in it. I got it about a month ago.

  15. Cute pics of Jax! Tooth fairy did a great job!
    To answer your question... my sister took our pictures on a railroad in Lehi. The buildings are surrounding it. We took the Lehi exit where Lehi Roller Mills is and just followed the railroad. Hope that helps!

  16. You are not a horrible mom, just a realistic one. We did Christmas dinner while Marissa was down for a nap, because she doesn't eat and she can be a pest to others when they are eating. Just a reality us special Mamas have to face sometimes. The main thing is that Jaxson is loved and he understands that. That is what Christmas is all about.

    I'm glad you had a good Christmas, and here's to a Happy New Year!
