
Monday, December 14, 2009

Baby update

Thank you to everyone for your birthday wishes. It was a looong weekend. Not in a bad way, just a lot of soul searching. Friday you know me and Ray went out to a work Christmas party without the boys. Saturday we had a Hopekids Christmas party at the Mayan. Santa was there and they had face painting and different things to do along with lunch.

Of course Jax slept the whole time. But I think that even though he is the Hopekid, these events are more for his brothers. Siblings are often left out when they have a sick brother, so this is fun stuff for them to do at no cost.

I do have a little more info on the girls that need homes. Not as much as I'd hoped but I'm impatiently waiting for the case manager to call so we can go see them. They are literally going into an institution tomorrow if homes are not found. Foster mom has them both and is overwelmed. The funny thing is neither girl has any tubes or monitors right now. But they need a trained home. One girl has severe reflux, but nothing is being done, and they wonder why she screams when they lay her flat. There is a family that is interested in one girl, so I pray that they take her, and we could take the other, and we can keep in touch. I don't think we could take both girls, but I can't take one and let the other go to an institution. If I have to I would take both until another home can be found. So this would be very fast. We would have her by Christmas!! Probably just in a few days if we decide to do it. That means I'm frantically trying to clean my home because we don't have a home study, so they are going to want to do at least that before they give her to us. I will let you know tonight if we are able to see them, and what we decide. I was wondering if this was what we were supposed to do. I was thinking that I would get some epiphany or something telling me these were my babies (or baby) But talking to some of you that have adopted, it doesn't always work that way. Sometimes you still are worried until it happens. Thank you so much for all your great advice.
I'm very excited about this, and a certain little boy is quite excited at the prospect of being a big brother!!


  1. I'm so glad you had a good birthday. I'm still praying that you find the right path :) Jax would make a great big brother!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend. Is it me or has Jaxson really started to grow? He looks longer in the stroller.....

    I hope you get your wish. A little girl would be a nice X-mas gift and to be lucky enough to come to you who has so much medical training and mommy experience, what a dream come true for her! I'll say a little prayer and send lots of good vibes your way.

  3. We are still praying for you all and your difficult decision. I remember people telling me "Malachi is such a lucky little boy to have such wonderful parents." I would reply "Why thank you for the compliment, but we are lucky to have Malachi as a son!" I am 100% positive that you all can do this, and that you will be changed for the better because of it! Either way remember to keep your heart open and willing for whatever comes your way. Im sure happy we did!

  4. Sounds like a fun-filled and busy weekend! And, with lots to think about as well! Whew!

    I would be so torn in what direction to take! But, I'm quite sure that no matter what decision you make and whatever child you were contemplating, you would still have fears and reservations about what to do. Even when people are ready for having a child, most people are still uncertain about the future and whether or not they can handle it or afford it, etc.

    I definitely would not consider these fears that you are having to be a sign not to do this! I would, instead, think of the pros and cons and whether or not your family is ready and willing to take on this endeavor.

    One comfort you have is that all things happen for a reason and that your future and this girl's future is already planned out, so whatever decision your family will be the right decision!

    Hope you can meet the girls soon! I'll be thinking of you and praying! Hugs!!!

  5. I'm praying for you as you make this big decision.

    On another note I do agree that the SN parties are more for the siblings - it is nice for them to get a few little extras here and there.

  6. You are right, you might not get a huge epiphany, it will all just fall into place and then you'll stop and look around and realize you have a little girl! :) Keep me posted. Love you!

  7. What a fun and busy weekend you hand! Jax is looking so big! He is ready to be a big brother! I hope and pray that all will work out for you guys one way or another.

  8. Looks like lots of fun! Jax will be an amazing big brother! Follow your heart, you're an amazing mom and will know just what to do!
    Hugs from Kansas!

  9. Oh Lacey ... a sweet little girl to love on and snuggle with? I can't think of a better Christmas present!

  10. I think you're amazing, Lacey :)

  11. wow! so much going on! i can't wait to get more info...did u give the age of the girls?

  12. Sounds like you had a good weekend, especially the boys. Thats great for them, like you said with so much going on with Jax I guess they need something to make them feel special too, and nothing like a little fun!
    Can't wait to hear more on the little girl and what you as a family eventually decide to do. I know it must be a really hard decision, but I think you should just stop and search in your heart and let it lead the way for you. You will make the right decision.

  13. I will be thinking of you and hoping that everything works out. Whatever is ment to be will end up being. I have never been in your shoes so I don't know what you would feel. Maybe once you see them you will feel more of an answer.

    Glad your boys had fun and got to do lots of crafts. Yes siblings of medically fragile ones need their attention to. We are dealing with our own issues with Wysdom's sister. Anyways the boys look like they had a blast.

  14. I am sure you are on pins and needles, I will keep your quest in my prayers and continue to check in! What a beautiful prospect Lacey, and Jax will be an amazing big brother!!

  15. I think it is awesome that you are trying to adopt a little girl! What love she will get with a housefull of big brothers!!! Good luck.
