
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Our beautiful mountains

Yesterday we decided since the weather was so nice, that we'd go up to the mountains to hopefully get a good picture for our Christmas cards. We really need to get up there more. We are so close to them but we didn't get up there once this year. This year has been rough though. Jax had 4 surgeries and was in and out of the hospital, so everything else took a backseat. Here's a few pics. I will post better ones tomorrow. These are from our digital camera. Ray has a really nice camera but its a film camera. He wants a nice digital one for Christmas, but for now we have to use our film one, so I'm waiting to go get the disc today.

Jax is still not sleeping, I think its this cold bug we have. Luckily its just a cough, nothing major, but I'm learning that with a trach, a cold is HELL. He wakes up coughing, and I suction him. But he keeps coughing. Its this dry cough, but after he coughs for a while then he gets junky again. So I basically just stand by his bed waiting for him to need suctioning again. I hope this cough goes away soon. I am feeling like I did when I used to work a night shift at the hospital. Headache and overall yuckiness from no sleep.
I'm very excited to say we are getting the ball rolling for adoption. I mean, daddy even said we can start telling people we are trying to adopt. So either he's on board or he's just given up:) After the holidays we are going to get out home study done. We've decided that international adoption just won't be feasable for us. I hate the thought of leaving those poor kids in those countries. There's just no way Ray and I could both fly over to an unstable country and leave Jax.
There are a couple of adoption places here in the states that I don't think will have a long wait time. Mostly because the friends that I've talked to that adopted through them say they still get calls about a child needing a home. One company is strictly DS adoptions. The other one is any medical problem. I would love another DS child, but I would also love a heart baby. Also we just found out that Rays company will pay up to 5,000 dollars for an adoption. Yipee. And from what I've heard from these companies, that may almost pay for the whole thing. If your considering adoption, check with your employer. A lot of companies have these adoption incentives, you just have to ask about them.
I'm hoping our financial problems we had won't affect us now. We are still trying to rebuild our credit. But our house is paid off and we have no other debt except one car, so we'll just keep our fingers crossed.
I'm ready to go out and buy some bows, dresses and PINK, PINK, PINK!!!


  1. The pictures are beautiful, makes me want to pack the dude up and go for a drive to the mountains.

  2. Nice pics. can't wait to see the Christmas card!! I hope Jax gets better soon, it took Arna about a week to really get over the cough, but the Botox made her junk thick, so she still has a bit of a cough. I am holding on to the really cute outfits for you!!!! good luck!!

  3. Can't wait to see more mountain photos. I didn't even think about the travelling without Jax aspect of international adoption. Plus - you hate to fly too, right? ;)
    Yay for adoption - it is National Adoption Month - perfect time to get the ball rollin'!

  4. Wow, amazing pictures AND adoption! I don't know how you do it Lacey. You're amazing!

  5. I was thinking about this after our recent emails about adoption and I thought the same thing about how it would be pretty hard for you to do the international adoption because of Jax. It would be hard to leave him and it would be too hard to take him all that way with you. There are plenty of children in need right here in the US too, I am sure. No matter which road you is sure to be so rewarding!! By the looks so beautiful up there in your mountains!! Can"t wait to see more pics.

  6. Love the pictures, so beautiful. You are awesome for delving into adoption, most people with a child with medical needs would say we have more than we can handle. You are a treasure and that little girl that God has for you is going to be the luckiest, most blessed girl in the world to be in your family!

  7. What a beautiful spot up in the mountains. Good luck with the adoption - how exciting.

  8. Love those pictures. Looks beautiful and peaceful.

  9. Is mexico too far? Did you see this post today?:

  10. I love how so many of us want to adopt! I would LOVE to adopt a little one with Down syndrome... LOVE to. I just don't see it happening in our financial future.
    I love your mountain pictures. Can't wait for more.

  11. ah the mountains...that is what we miss from our college days in Utah. Beautiful!

    I am so thrilled for y'all to adopt!

  12. ah the mountains...that is what we miss from our college days in Utah. Beautiful!

    I am so thrilled for y'all to adopt!

  13. Lacey! I'm so excited for you!!!!! I'm sure everything will go fine! Praying for a smooth process!
    The pictures are beautiful!

  14. Hey Miss Lacey,Hope all is well.  I have been so busy that I haven't had time to post, but have around 150 different pics that I have taken.  Coltan just finished up high school soccer, Cody has been to St Louis twice, Wichita KS, and this Friday we leave for Memphis....all since mid Sept!Carson has had just about everything.  He had impetigo, staph infection, and H1N1.  His asthma is up and down as always.Me, just trying to stay caught up with everyone.So with all that said, wanted to let you know that I have missed you and found a few minutes to check on you.  Give my cutie a little kiss and tell him to hurry up and get over this cold that he has.  Hugs from me.....

  15. I'm so excited for you guys to adopt a little girl!!! Good luck with all of that, I will pray things will fall into place. I love the mountains here too.

  16. Way cool pictures. We need to get up to the mountains more too. So I have basically fallen off the earth - I am trying hard to get back on. Yes we do need to hang out - I'll call you.

    And funny thing - Alan asked me the other day if we should adopt another baby with down syndrome - he says we have one we might was well have two. That was completely random and out of the blue - but financially I don't know if we could swing it. If you adopt your little girl we are going to have to have a really big PINK shower for you!!

  17. The pics looks great. Makes me want to get back into hiking. I hope you get some sleep. I didn't know that you worked in the hospitals before. I am guess that you are a nurse?

    That's awesome that you want to adopt. I was just looking on the adoption site. We are not looking to adopt now but I was just looking through some pictures on Reece's Rainbow. How lucky you are. And a girl right? I will keep my fingers crossed for you

  18. Great pictures! What a wonderful place to live by! I'm glad that you were able to get out again and enjoy the mountains!

    I hope Jax starts sleeping better for you and that his cold goes away! Mommas NEED sleep!

    How exciting that you guys are starting on the adoption! YAY! Have a great day! HUGS!
