
Monday, November 2, 2009

I want this baby!

You know I've been talking about adopting for a while now. I've always wanted a girl and feel like there's a girl out there waiting for me. Today I was on Reece's Rainbow website and found my baby girl!
Isn't she the sweetest?

I don't know anything about her. I can't find info on her, but I think its time to get the process started. I don't know how it will be, I'm not rich, and I don't know if we'll be able to afford it. But I'm going to check into it!

Drumroll please, the 2010 Calendars are here. Remember, they are 10 dollars, you can email me to order one. Remember, Jax is in June. What a better Christmas present than angels on your walls?

Also the Jaxson car magnets are here. Email about getting one of those as well. They are 4 dollars.


  1. Lacey I saw this on Renee's blog this morning and she is the one who got my attention.. i also could not find any info on her.. best of luck.

  2. She is adorable Lacey, hope you can find out more about her.

  3. Oh heart just skipped a beat seeing that precious little princess. How amazing would that be to have her surrounded by all those doting big brothers! Im a girl after 3 boys and let me tell you - I had it made!

    Love to you

  4. check out this blog...I think Christine has adopted at least twice through that site.

    Good luck!

  5. Oh Lacey ... she is BEAUTIFUL! I just want to smooch those cheeks. :)

  6. Weird...I was viewing that website just this morning and I could have sworn that I saw her in the "waiting children" file. She definitely caught my eye as well. I think she would be just perfect for you!! I found the gal I want as well...actually there are two...both within a month of Ella's age. I just think it would be so awesome to have each other to grow up with. I don't know that my husband would ever be open to this but my heart sure is steadily opening to it. The money would be a huge factor for me too. I know that somehow it would work out for you....please go for it!!!

  7. She looks perfect! Is she (I don't know how to word it) one of the "ornament sponsored" kiddos? I love the quote on Reece's Rainbow - there are no shortage of families wishing to adopt, just shortage of funds to do so. We can't personally adopt all of them, but we can contribute so other families can :) Better get a donation button ready for her ;)

  8. I think I saw her mouthing...momma,come get me!I found my love as well when we were scrolling down together today via the phone ...!!I need to go water that money tree.I'll send you some when it grows!!

  9. P.S. Did you email Andrea, (Reece's mom) to get info?

  10. What a cutie with those big blue eyes. Good luck with it all.

  11. She was the one I picked too! Ha!Ha! Great minds.... :) Anyway, I hope you can get her. We just can't even begin to swing it at this time. I don't know if Christopher will ever have any sibs - I'm happy either way though. Good luck and let us know what to do!


    Steph and Christopher

  12. I have picked several girls from their site! I hate that you have to travel to adopt these precious children, because there is no way that I could be gone that long with 4 boys, and especially one of them being Gavin!

    I recently sent for information about adopting locally. My mom wants a granddaughter so much that she even offered to help us with the cost and she recently bought me a girl's outfit for inspiration!

    I dream about the day that a girl is added to our family! I hope that everything works out for your family too! HUGS!!!

  13. Lacey are you seriously going to try to adopt this beauty! OMG!!!! This is so exciting!
    She is beautiful! I will pray that this becomes possible!
    Love the calendar!

  14. Lacey -

    I am saying a special prayer that you are able to adopt this beautiful girl. I think she deserves a wonderful mom like you! And you deserve some pink!! I would also be willing to send money to help with her adoption if she would be going to your family - I cry everytime I view the waiting children on Reece's but I know in my heart I cannot adopt(I'm overwhelmed with my gang), but I would love to help a baby find a loving home!! Those boys need a boss - err, I mean sister! LOL! Take care - Maureen

  15. What. A. Doll.

    Keeping my fingers so crossed for you!

  16. how beautiful! We have been waiting for our first angel before we can start on a second!!

  17. She is gorgeous! That would be so exciting! I'm rooting for you all the way! LOVE the calendar too! I've already bought quite a few!

  18. This is Joyce. Lacey that sweet little face caught my eye too. John and I are aged out for most countries so it is out of our hands, but gosh when I look at the faces, I just melt.

  19. When my 2 and 4 year olds saw that picture, they loved it! She is so cute!

  20. She is precious! I so hope this can happen for you all...that would be such a blessing for her and your family! I so wish I could give them all a family! Breaks my hearts to know they aren't all spoken for...LOVE LOVE the calendar! So sweet!

  21. she sure is gorgeous lacey prayers for you all! God Bless Samm Mark Deqlan Logan

  22. LOVE LOVE LOVE her! I think she would be a perfect addition to your family!!! :) We'll be praying!

  23. Wahoo! That would be so great! Andrea is great to work with. I hope it works out!

  24. Oh my that face! What a pudgester.. I could definitely see you being a Mama to her. Don't worry, very few people who want to adopt are rich. That's why the good Lord made fundraisers :)
    I think it's an awesome idea!!!

  25. I think that adorable little baby girl has stolen a lot of hearts! She is too cute; just want to pick her up and squeeze her! Good luck to you if you pursue adopting exciting!
