Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Carter!

Today Carter turns the big number 7.
My little surprise baby.
He has quite the birth story to tell, even though its a little embarrassing for mom to tell. I found out I was pregnant with him when Tanner was only 7 months old. I freaked out, not wanting to be pregnant another summer. Then when I found out I was having boy #3, I really freaked out. Poor daddy thought I had lost my mind, and I guess I did for a while. I did not want another boy, I did not want this baby. I wouldn't talk about the pregnancy, I wouldn't pick out a name for him, nothing. I was a wreck.
On halloween night my water broke at 4:00 am, and man did he come fast after that. We barely made it to the hospital which was 40 minutes away. He was born literally right after I was settled in my room. He wouldn't wait and he's been going 90 miles an hour ever since!

Carter has always been our little spitfire. Potty trained himself at a year, and was riding a two wheeler at 2. I like to think he was so independant because God gave me Tanner barely 14 months before Carter and was autistic. Therefore he did everything extremely late. I needed Carter to grow up fast because I was consumed by Tanners care.

An amazing athlete, Carter carried around a ball and bat ever since he could crawl. And today is an amazing baseball player. Coaches want him on their minor league teams next year which consist of 9 and older players. We are holding back though. We want to give him the chance to be good in his own age group. Plus he's small for his age anyway so the minor leaguers would drowned him.

I call Carter my student body president, daddy calls him the mayor. Both are very fitting for him. He makes friends wherever he goes, and girls flock to him already. (man are we in trouble)
Everybody loves Carter and he is nice to everyone. He's already well known around his school although barely in first grade.

We celebrated Carters birthday last night since granparents were already here. Normally I don't like to mix birthdays with holidays, but he wanted it that way.

His new catchers mitt. Now he has all his own catchers gear.

His nerf gun he's been dying to have.

Today we are going bowling and he gets to pick where we go to dinner.
Happy Birthday Carter, our little superstar. We love you!!


ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Happy birthday Carter! I am so happy to have met you. :)

Jen said...

Happy Birthday! Love all the pics!

The Snell Family said...

Happy B-day buddy. Kenna sends her wishes too!

Kristin said...

Happy birthday Carter!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Carter!!!!!!!!

Sorry I have been MIA yet again!!!

Ant was on a week long vacation and so much happened and went on in that week that if I couldn't check things on my phone, they didn't get checked lol


Rioux Family said...

WOO Carter you are awesome! Happy Birthday!! Btw...what was everyone for halloween this year?

Unknown said...

Oh what great photos. Happy 7th Birthday Carter. He is such a cutie!

Heather said...

I have been blessed to be in the company of Carter a few times and each time I too saw the mayor and the president and so much more!He is an incredible little guy.Such a free spirit with his own unique and lovable personality.Just like all of your children and Lacey do you look back now and say,"Our family would never have been complete without the spitfire Carter?"

*The Disneyland picture "talking" with the girls,continues to be my favorite

My name is Sarah said...

Happy, happy Birthday Carter.

Stephanie said...

Happy Happy Birthday Carter!!!!!!
What a great day to be born, you get a pre party the day before, so cool!!!

The VW's said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARTER!!! You sound like a great boy!

I cried when we found out that our 3rd was a boy too. Seeing our 3rd now (Caleb), there is NO WAY that he could have been a girl! He is such a spitfire too!

Have a great time celebrating your day!

Emily said...

Oh... what a stud muffin! I love Carter. He does have a wonderful personality! So cute when he sees Justin! Hope his birthday is fabulous!

Alison said...

I hope he has a great birthday - lovely to see all the photos of him.

Kim said...

Happy Birthday Carter! You do look like a pro out on the field!

Stephanie said...

Ha! My kiddo was born on the 2nd. Same thing, third boy, couldn't think of a name..
I made it to the hospital about 10 minutes before he was born!
Small world :)

Happy Birthday Buddy!!!

Junior said...

Happy Birthday Carter

Becky said...

Happy Birthday to a special kid! I'm SO glad that you had him...Heavenly Father KNEW that you needed him.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Carter! Just love the way your mommy writes about you - she is very proud of you thats for sure! You are such a wonderful little man and im sure you are going to have a great year ahead! I hope you had a blast bowling and you had a great dinner! God Bless! Megan and Keaton

Michelle said...

happy 7th birthday to Carter!

ParkerMama said...

Happy Birthday, Carter!