
Monday, October 19, 2009

Out of PICU

Jaxsons dinasour from his buddy Phoenix. Thanks Phenny man.

Oh its been a long day.

Jaxsons funky long trach.

Jax continues to amaze me everyday. We moved out of PICU last night. Thanks goodness, since our nurses were ignoring us anyway. I sat there for two hours and the nurse didn't even walk by. I was wondering why I'm paying for a PICU bed. He doesn't need to be suctioned all that much for a new trach, and I can already tell he will sleep better at night. The only thing is I still can't decide if I want him in my room when we get home. Last night I heard every little peep he made (trachs are noisy) so I was up all night wondering if he was crying or just breathing in his sleep. I'll have to learn his noises. I don't want to still be up all night listening for him. We'll see how the next couple of nights go. He also is adjusting really well to having the trach. He doesn't even care its there. He does get mad if we suction, so I try not to go to deep, because if I piss him off it just makes more secretions. He does really well at coughing them up himself too.

The doctor wants to speed up his trach teaching. He wants him out of the hospital because everyone there is catching H1N1. But they won't budge, so we'll still be here till Friday, unless the doctors go to war with each other. We'll see.
I'm trying to catch up on everyones blogs, but haven't had much time to leave comments. I promise I haven't forgot about you all.


  1. He continues to amaze! Hope you can get out sooner than Friday and that all of you stay healthy! Hang in until then! Thinking of you guys and praying often! HUGS!!!

  2. Oh Lacey he looks so good and very happy to be able to rub his sweet lil face again! :D Praying really hard ya'll stay healthy and get home very soon. Huggle that sweet boy for us and don't worry about stopping by the blogs.. just take your time.. Jaxson is the focus right now.. we know you love us! :p LOL
    Blessings :D

  3. I am so glad he is handling it all ok. Now that he's out of the PICU, I'll make a visit here soon! We missed you today. Can't wait for our next get together so you can join us!

  4. Glad you're out of PICU! Hope you get to come home soon.

  5. I'm so glad to hear he is doing so well. I've been thinking of you, and hoping he stays clear of the H1N1

  6. Yay Jax!! Keep it up little buddy. We missed you today over at Emily's (although we were so late, we missed most everyone anyway).

  7. Don't worry about the blogs. You have your little man to take care of and I must say he looks so cute in those pictures. So glad he's out of picu!

  8. Lacey
    Your post last night moved me to tears! I can so relate on so many fronts! Thanks for sharing your heart so honestly!

    Hang in there, you amaze me! Lil Jax looks awesome today. Praying this is an easier adjustment on everyone than you were anticipating!
    Heart Hugs!

  9. Lacey, Jax is amazing, I love seeing his face! Glad he is out of PICU. That place sounds too... you know.
    Anyway, take care of yourself too. sending love and prayers.

  10. Yay Jax! He looks amazing, Lacey! Hope you find your way out soon....healthy!!!! Hugs to you both!

  11. Such good news, out of PICU and doing well!! Pray that he carries on making amazing progress.He's a real fighter from what I see. Keep the faith ;)

  12. Yeah for Jaxson! That is great news Lacey! I pray God puts a wall of protection around all of you so you don't get H1N1 while still in the hospital. This just makes my day! :)

  13. Glad to hear he's doing so well! What a lil warrior!

  14. He is so remarkable! I am so glad that he is out of PICU, now just get that baby home! Praying and praying Lacey!

  15. Look at him rubbing his cute face. Lacey I just want to scoop him up and smooch him!

    I am thrilled to read that he is adjusting so well. I imagine he feels a ton better being able to breath so good. I hope they get your trach teaching done quickly.

    Keep it up big guy, you're awesome!

  16. Lacey, I'm SO behind on my blog reading, so I'm just catching up. Just know that I'm thinking of you guys and sending prayers your way.

  17. What an amazing little guy!! I hope your able to learn his noises quickly so you can start to sleep. Its amazing how moms can run off zero sleep hu?? Your doing great, and continue to amaze me with every post. You're always in my prayers.

  18. Oh so glad to hear that he is doing well and that you got moved out of PICU. Crazy that the nurses were ignoring you. Ugh..Hopefully they get you out soon so you can avoid the flu. Sending hugs and prayers.

  19. Hey there stranger.I'm back.Have missed checking in.Didn't have use of the computer much.Jax is certainly amazing.He looks good and I bet you bust out by Friday.I'll say lots of prayers for that.We'll talk soon.Much love and kisses to all

  20. I am glad to hear Jax is handling the trach like a champ. You will have all his sounds figured out probably before you even leave the hospital!

  21. We are so prod of you Jaxson!!!!! We think about you and pray daily for your speedy recovery and for you to go home soon :0)

    Love you LOTS!!!



  22. So glad to hear how well he's tolerating the trach and that he's out of the PICU already! Go Jax! Hopefully you get to go home soon and he continues to recover so well!

  23. Lacey, email me at with your mailing address and I will get this stuff boxed up and out to you ASAP. The suction catheters should work out fine as well as t-vents. Will send you all that I think you can use!! Glad he is doing well. You will be amazed at how quickly you will learn his different sounds. hope to hear from you soon. Michelle

  24. oh, he looks fantastic! I can't believe it. Way to go little man :)

  25. Way to Go Jax. Lacey I'm so glad to see he's doing good. I mailed the magnets should be there soon.

  26. Let us worry about you! You don't need to be bothered by leaving comments on our blogs. Glad he has moved and is hanging in there. Lily just ooohs and awwws at his pictures. She loves him like her own :)
