
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

I know its not Thanksgiving yet, but I have a lot to be thankful for today. Jax is doing incredible. You can tell that he has so much more energy and his breathing is so much easier. We don't have a repeat echo for a while but I already know that his pressures are way down. His heart is smaller on x-ray, so I know his failure is also better.
I love halloween, and I'm ready to go Christmas shopping!
Have a good day and be safe everyone!


  1. Have a great day!!! Have lots of fun!!! HUGS!!!

  2. Lacey, you just sound SO upbeat! It is amazing to read. I am thrilled that Jax is doing so awesome. He's such a strong kid. I guess it's obvious that the trach was a good thing, but YAHOO!!! :)

  3. Yippee for thankful days! Have a fabulous Halloween and a wonderful time Christmas shopping!

  4. Happy halloween!! So glad to hear that Jax is doing better!!

  5. That is great news on Jax!!! That made our day...Have a great night hope all the kids have a great time tonight!

  6. I'm so happy to hear Jax is doing good!Happy Halloween to you too!

  7. Have a great day. I'm so glad to hear Jaxson is doing so well.

  8. So glad to hear he is doing so well. What a turn around from just a few weeks ago! Our God is good even though sometimes it's hard for us to see all the time. Hoping you had a nice Halloween with your family and praying that things continue to look up for all of you especially that good lookin' little man.

  9. "Jax is doing incredible."Absolute music to my ears!!Love to you all.

  10. PRAISE GOD!! So glad he's doing so well!

  11. It's so good to hear that Jaxson is doing better and breathing so much easier. Can't believe Halloween is over and now onto Thanksgiving and Christmas, I love this time of year.

  12. Hope it was a very Happy Halloween for you all! You sound happy in your posts and that makes my day. I am going to email you today as I need to get back to your email, but it's been ONE Of those weeks...Ill explain in my email. Jax looks his costume. Miss you dear friend!!!

  13. HOORAY on the good thankful news. So thrilled he is feeling better. So stinking cute to!

  14. So happy with the news that Jax is doing so well, isn't it just a great great feeling, so happy to hear this news. Happy birthday Carter, he sure is a handsome boy! You're going to have alot of young girls over at your place once he's a bit older!!
