
Friday, September 25, 2009

He's done

He's all done. They were able to balloon open the SVC. Not completely open, but it brought the pressure above down by half. The bad part is we don't know if this will help or not. His upper body is such a mess of blocked veins that it could be other ones helping with this problem.
He is still intubated, and they just told me that they aren't even going to attempt to extubate him until ENT comes up and looks at him.
I will post some more pics tonight. He's doing ok, thanks to everyone's prayers.


  1. Glad to hear that he is done and that the procedure seems to have helped some at least! I'll keep praying for him and you! Thanks for updating! HUGS!!!

  2. Prayers for you and sweet Jax. We are all rallying for you! What a strong boy you's obvious he gets his strength from his amazing mama!

  3. I'm glad to hear that the procedure is done and I'm hoping that he can be extubated soon.

    Sending you and Jax warm thoughts.

  4. Still praying girlie...

    Trina and Jophie

  5. WOW, so glad that it went ok!!! Hang in there Lacey, I'm sure you are very frustrated & EXHAUSTED by now. Pls know that you have so many people praying for you & Jax!! Hopefully this will give him some relief?
    {{hugs & lovin}}

  6. That is good news! I hope that you get to see him soon!

  7. Thank goodness he's done. That's a relief. I know a lot more to come still, but at least that part is done. . .

  8. So happy that he is finished. I will continue to pray as you await the ENT.

  9. I'm glad to read this post. What a trooper he is. Praying for extubation soon. I'm sure you are just exhausted right now. Please try to get some rest. I know that's easier said than done.

  10. I glad he's done. You are exactly right! He has a quality of life and he deserves every thing they can try and do to help his little body. He has so many who love him dearly and have been uplifted by his huge spirit!

  11. Relief that he's done for today. Hope this does the trick. Love you Jax - we're walking for you tomorrow buddy!

  12. Oh that is good news...we have been thinking of you guys today!

  13. So glad he is done! Hope he will feel some relief. XOXO

  14. Keeping you close in thought and prayer.We love you. all!

  15. So glad to hear he is done. I hope you will see some improvement in him with what they were able to do. Praying he gets extubated soon! Thanks for all your updates! Hugs to all of you!

  16. so glad he is done - been so worried!
    hugs from across the miles for all of y'all!

  17. Keeping that little fighter in our prayers!

  18. Thanks for keeping us updated Lacey. I will keep you all in my prayers.

  19. Praise the Lord Lacey! I have been out of touch with the blog world for over a week due to my dad passing away. I am so happy to hear some good, and positive news. Hugs and well wishes are coming your way!

  20. I am so happy to hear that the he is done and that it was at least somewhat successful.
    I have been at appts. all day and couldn't wait to get home and check on Jax. Big hugs and lots of prayers.

  21. Glad to hear it Lacey, still praying for little man tonight!

  22. Happy to hear things went well. What a handsome little guy!

  23. I'm so glad that everything went well. So, you guys are close by home right? Not in Boston?

    I had to go back and do some reading!

    Big Hugs - Tiff

  24. So happy to hear he is doing good. We have been praying all day for Jax. Amazing how strong our lil warriors are :) Give him a huggle from us and we will continue to pray! :D

  25. Sitting at the other end of the world and thinking of Jax and everything he is going through and you and how brave and strong a person you must be. You have all touched my heart so deeply. Yes Jax deserves whatever it takes to make his quality of life better and I will continue to pray for him.

  26. Glad to hear that he came through surgery. Continuing prayers for Jax.

  27. Thank goodness he did well! I am glad to read that his pressures went down so quickly. That's great. I hope the ENT portion goes smoothly as well.

    ((hugs)) to you Lacey! I wish you were here at CHOC, we're being admitted Monday. We could console one another!

  28. Looking forward to more posts of continued progress...hugs to everyone...

  29. Glad it is over with and that they were able to at least release some pressure. Praying for good news with the intubation!

  30. I'm so glad it's done! I hope you can get some answers soon (next post), and that he recovers well and swiftly.
