
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Happy boy

Jax has been talking up a storm this morning. Here, I'll translate a little for you.

Mom, I'm sorry I am keeping you up ALL NIGHT, hopefully getting my bi-pap today will help me sleep better. I love you mommy.

And don't forget to join Jax buddy walk team. Don't worry about donating, I'm not concerned with raising a ton of money, just having a great team for Jax. If you want a t-shirt let me know so I can order you one. Remember you don't have to be here to walk to join his team and get a t-shirt. I've been slacking with it because of everything thats been going on with him, but I still want to have a great walk. Click here to join.


Ok, I guess you can't join his team anymore, its to late, now you have to do it on the day of the walk. I told you I was behind this year. So just go check out his page for fun.


  1. oh Jaxson, I love hearing you talk.

  2. How sweet he is...:) have fun with your buddywalk...ours is in October....

  3. I love love love love LOVE videos like that!!!!

    He looks and sounds great!!!!

    What a blessing to come back to the blogging world and see that!!!

    What an awesome little man :0)

  4. That was adorable. You're right about constantly pulling his oxygen off. :) You asked a few questions the last couple times you commented so here are the answers. Yes it's cold here. I would love to have some more really warm weather but I'm afraid it's officially fall. The temps are in the 60's and with Ben's poor circulation I need to keep him WARM. And YES, he always has a cathetar in...he has urine retention due to a neurogenic bladder. His life is much happier since being cathed. I think of you often and pray that you will have some answers soon.

  5. Hi, Lacey!!! Needed a little help...we tried to join Jax's team, but it says online registration for the event has closed...any tips?

    Love to the chatterbox...

  6. He is a doll, we would love to join his team but it won't let us. We'd love to have a t-shirt as well to raise awareness and help out in any way!

  7. I sit here with tears streaming down my cheeks. What a beautiful boy! Please give him a big squeeze for me.

  8. I love hearing him talk! Especially when I'm holding him!!

  9. I love hearing Jax talk! What a sweet boy! Don't you wish that we could really understand what they were saying?

    Can I still order a t-shirt, even if I can't join the team? I would LOVE one with Jaxson's cute face on it! When is your walk? Ours is Oct. 10 and I have yet to sign up for it! I better get on this!

    Keep on talking Jax! You are adorable! HUGS!

  10. Oh so sweet - I love hearing him talk. Hoping the bi-pap helps him sleep better. Call me anytime if you need some help with blankies.

  11. your baby boy is so beautyful! and you are all fighters! hopfully this will all turn out to be ok in the end....lots of thoughts and love from Iceland.

  12. So sweet - Piper was watching this with me.. she said "Hey, I see his oxygen - and he's talking just like Max. Did he say goo?"

  13. Thank you for the great treat of hearing Jax talk to us, oh he is so darn cute! Big hugs and good luck with the walk! Megan and Keaton

  14. Awwww! Thats just as cute as can be girlie! I could just squeeezy him! ;)

    Trina and Jophie

  15. First of to hear Jax talk...I haven't heard that sweet!! As for waiting for the results....It's an insurance thing. Our insurance won't pay for them to do it in their lab when we are outpatient...stupid!! We have to go to Quest lab. I hate being ruled by the insurance company!
