
Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Jaxson is not doing so good today. He was up to 1 1/2 liters last night. I was getting up with him every couple of minutes. His sleep was restless, so his monitor was constantly alarming. Because of my long night, I didn't wake up until 8. The boys had to run to school, missing breakfast, then I felt horrible that they were hungry.
My ped isn't in the office today, but we've talked over the phone. She wants another chest x ray. She thinks he aspirated. Thats what I think too. Here's my mommy theory.. He had stridor yesterday morning (still trying to figure out why) and his airway was tight, as he fought to get air he foamed at the mouth, then he would choke on that and vomit, then he aspirated his vomit. He didn't sound gurgly until after the vomiting. He has had a low fever, but when he works hard to breath he can work into a fever. So far all of his viruses are negative, no suprise. He is on 1 liter right now, if he goes above that, we go in. If he goes above 1 1/2 tonight, we go in. The problem is his body works so hard to breath, he has no reserve. His CO2 is probably rising, even if his sats don't plummet yet. His already weak body takes all of its energy to breath. I don't want to go in, of course, so I keep him home as long as I feel comfortable. We'll see how the night progresses.
He stays attached to his monitor so we can watch closely.

All of his energy goes into breathing, so he looks pale and stoned.

Come on baby, I think I can I think I can..


  1. I'm praying harder than ever for sweet little Jaxson tonight.......

    I'm sorry I have been MIA we have just been busy with my husband having a lot of vacation time this year and Evan still out of school and my brother and b-day parties and showers and fun and dr.'s appts.....OH MY!!!!.....Too much going on, but I lost 10 pounds.....YAY GO ME!!! :0)

    I miss chatting with you, and I have been checking in on your blog every day to see that little cutie pie.....

    Feel better soon Jax!!!!

    <3 ya lots!!!

  2. Poor little man! Those pictures break my heart! I've been praying for you often today! I pray that you guys don't have to go into the hospital, but if you do that he gets better and home again really soon! Hang in there and know that you are thought of often! Give Jax a hug for me! HUGS!!!

  3. I just wanted you to know that your family will be in my thoughts. It is so hard to see your child have to fight for air. I hope you have a better night tonight and he doesn't end up needing to go into the ER.

  4. Oh Jax we sure hope you feel better quick. Praying hard

  5. Praying for you and that cute little boy tonight, Hang in there Jaxson!! I am so sorry things are so rough Lacey.

  6. Oh Lacey - I'm so sorry. Poor little guy. More prayers! Hang in there!

  7. JAXSON, Please don't do this to your Mommy! Please get better & stay strong hunny!
    Oh Lacey, I'm so sorry for this scare...I really hope & pray that he gets over this fast & SOON! I sure hope to God he doesn't go into the Hospital.

    I'm so sorry Lacey. Prayin hard here for sweet baby Jax tonight.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


  10. We are thinking of dear Jaxson and praying. I hope you have a better night. Hang in there!

  11. Oh Lacey ..I hate to see Jax like this and I hate when your filled with worry.Hoping you can keep him home and Lacey,you do know best.That mommy instinct is seldom wrong.Love to you and tell Jax that he has to turn this thing around because California is calling.Love you guys.Call if you need or want to ...please.

  12. We'll keep Jax in our prayers tonight. Poor little guy.

  13. Ugh girlie....Low reserve is so hard to deal with...

    You can help em out so much with suctioning and by doing those little "cough assist" hugs which helps them blow off the excess CO2 but, when their reserve is so low you just can't take the chance in sucking out what little they have in there..

    Getting them to giggle and big belly laugh helps too but there again the low reserve is a problem...

    Does he take albuterol nebs and if so do they help out any? How bout steroids? Does he have any on board or do they usually toss those his way when things get all wacked out respiratory wise?

    I know most people think they are evil and on days I do too....I hate them I love them....They save him and they are killing him but short term they are amazing to heal/help the lungs...

    Jophie can't do the Toby nebs..He's allergic...Can Jax?

    Praying the little guy will rally and shoot out a big ole loooogey plug....Heck he could even shoot one my way if I thought it would help :0)

    Praying my friend...

    Trina and Jophie

  14. Prayers are headed your way from Minnesota!

  15. Oh sweet baby boy... my heart aches for you. We will keep him in our prayers. I hope he has a better night.
    Lacey, please let me know if I can do anything to help out.

  16. Oh sweet boy, I hope you have a better night! Saying prayers and sending great BIG hugs!!!!!

  17. Sending prayers up! Get Better Jaxson!

  18. Oh, Jax you sweet boy, I hate that you are struggling right now. And Lacey, I hope you can get some much needed rest tonight.

  19. Poor babe! I am storming heaven's gates regularly for this precious baby! I care and I love your family.

  20. I'm so sorry, we're praying for the little guy and his awesome family!

  21. Will keep praying for your and the gorgeous Jaxson.

  22. Oh sweetie, don't feel guilty. I would probably have given in by now and gone in. You're a strong Mama. Update if anything changes, a chest x-ray probably wouldn't hurt.
    I'm sure you're already doing albuterol but try mixing in some atrovent too. It'll help break up the junk.
    Praying for strength and easy breathing.

  23. Just got in to Grand Junction, CO. Was bummed that I never got a chance to call today but it sounds like you had enough on your plate to do. We didn't have great reception a lot of the way here and I developed a whopper of a headache so getting on the phone just wasn't in the cards. I am so sorry to hear the Jax isn't having a great day. I hope you will find a simple answer that has a solution. And I hope he does better so you can still make your much needed CA trip. Hang in there and I hope to talk to you soon.

  24. HI I am new to your blog. Praying for Jaxon and you and sending best wishes.

  25. Praying hard for little Jaxson and you to get through this hurdle! Come on little Jax, be better for your mommy today! We love you all so very much! Lacey - thinking of you my friend! God bless! Megan and Keaton

  26. Oh Lacey~ My prayers are with you! Hang in there! I hope he starts feeling better soon! My little Braxton is sick today! Its so hard to see these little ones like that! Again our prayers are with you!

  27. Oh Jaxson,I'm praying for you sweetie! Hope you are breathing easier soon!Hugs,Lacey.

  28. I'm keeping that cutie in my thoughts and prayers! I know that has to be overwhelming on you as well. Please try to get some rest somewhere.

    As far as the boys not eating breakfast, I'm sure they understand and I'm sure they will be just fine. I would try putting a few breakfast bars in their backpacks and then they can eat them on the go. That's what I ended up doing with Coltan and Cody. I had a lot of long nights with Carson by myself and that is what saved us.

    PS We have a moniter very close to Jax's. Sad but true that we know how to use so much equipment for our little ones.

  29. Poor Jaxie Poo. I hope he feels better. give him kisses from us.

  30. Poor Jaxson! I hate him suffering and it must be murder for you. I hope he improves soon.

  31. Lacey, I'm so sorry, Praying for Jax right now!!!! Much Love to you!

  32. Come on sweet boy...fight hard, fight hard to get better! Lacy he is so strong, he is a fighter, he is one of the most precious warriors I know. I hope and pray he does better today, that you get some answers, some sleep and that he has a much better day!I am so grateful that I had that time with you and your family Monday, it was truly a blessing to finally meet you. Hang in there Lacy, hang in there Jax and know we love you!!

  33. Oh Lacey and Jaxson! I am praying that you are at home right now and not at the hospital. Poor little guy.

  34. Oh Lacey. You know you're in my thoughts as long as everyone else's! There is LOTS of praying going on out there for that little man. Hang tough little fella! We're all rooting for ya! LOVE the Mason-Manns

  35. Bless his heart! He does look worn out; and I'm sure you must be exhausted too. Sending lots of prayers.

  36. oh baby. Hold on. Aspirating is serious business. Fight, baby boy, fight. We all love you.
