
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Guess where?

Guess where we're headed tomorrow afternoon? Here's a hint...

Tomorrow afternoon we leave for California. I'm excited because I definitely need some down time. The last few weeks have been madness. But I'm quite nervous about taking Jaxson out of state. So is our ped. We go see her one last time tomorrow before we leave to get her approval that he's ok to travel. I'm going to have to have the oxygen company down there deliver some tanks because he's on such a high flow right now that I'm blowing through tanks like crazy. And he has episodes were he desats even when his oxygen is in his nose. It reminds me of him before his heart repair. I came home today and put him on his monitor and he was in the high 70's. That was on 3/4. I turned him up to a liter. Stayed in the 80's. Turned him up to 1 1/2. Finally had low 90's. It makes me nervous taking him places. My monitor is to big to carry around and spot check him.

Daddy will be taking his test on Tuesday night. Excited to see how that goes. Even if its not as smooth as we'd like. Its practice, he'll be back doing it again for other departments. This is what we have to do to get the career he wants, not just a job.

So send good vibes for daddy's test and for Jax to behave himself while we are gone.


  1. prayers that all will go well. Have a great time in CA. You don't happen to be coming anywhere near Sacramento do you? Would love to meet youguys.


  3. Jax is keeping you on your toes as usual, can't get too comfortable. He won't have it.
    Our crazy kids...
    *Deep breath* and off to California.
    Even with all the drama, I am so insanely jealous.
    Kisses to you and Jax. Pass some on to Zoey and Heather from us when you get there.
    Travel safe, and keep us posted on your awesome vacation.
    Did I mention i'm jealous???

  4. Have fun! Love Disneyland!!! Hope your travels go smoothly and you can have a little down time...Wish I lived closer to LA...but we are about 4 hours north...Tell your husband good luck on his test!

  5. I hope you have a great time on your holiday!

  6. Enjoy your down time dear Lacey - you sure deserve it! I hope Jax will be just fine whilst you are away also enjoying his vacation! I just love the hooded towle you have in the photo - its too adorable! I love Disneyworld too - even though I have only been once to the one in Orlando! i felt like a kid again! Good luck for your husbands test - im sure he will do well and that your dreams are one step closer in moving to Cali! God bless and safe travels! Megan and Keaton

  7. I can't believe that it has been a week. I'm now caught up. I read one post about Atrovent (sp). Carson used that when he is really bad with his asthma and I love it. It has saved me many times from heading to urgent care.

    I read through another blog of a child going to Boston for heart surgery and that parent did all the calls and mailing the medical info. Maybe the key here is being the squeeky wheel???

    I will pray that Jax has a wonderful trip as well. I'm sure he will do just fine. I bet the other kiddos are just as excited.

    Good luck to hubby on his testing. That is awesome.

    Oh and tell Carter that he is doing wonderful with school. That is great that he is doing well!


  8. Cannot wait to see you.Don't worry we will all take care of Jax and I certainly know just the place to get you to IF you need to get there ... but he'll be fine.All you guys need is a little California sunshine!!See you soon.

  9. Good luck to your husband on taking his test.(fingers crossed he does well). I hope your visit to the dr. is a good one and Jax is able to travel. Enjoy California and your downtime.

  10. Lacy...listen, you need to call your medical company and TELL them that you are leaving and he's on a lot of oxygen and you aren't able to spot check him the way you would like because of your big machine. (I know...I've been there) My company will often "loan" me one of their portable oximeters for my trips with Ben so that I can atleast have some peace of mind. Try it. I'm not guaranteeing that your company will have one to let you borrow, but it's worth asking!!!

  11. Have tons of fun!!!!!!

    What does your husband do for work??? What does he want to do???

  12. Praying that you guys enjoy your trip and that Jax does well! I'll be praying! Be a good boy for your Momma, Jax! Love, Hugs and Prayers!!!!!

  13. Sending good vibes your way ~ ~ ~ ~
    I'm sure your hubby will do fabulous! Have so much fun at Disneyland. Sooo jealous! I pray that Jax will behave for you! Enjoy!

  14. Have a great time! You deserve it! Prayers that everything will go smooth.

  15. I hope you get the all clear to go - you have been looking forward to this break. I think you should call your home health place too - our pulse ox is a portable one and we can take it anywhere - it even has a bag and is not any more cumbersome than carrying the oxygen around. It also has a long battery life.

    Hope Ray did well on his test - but I am sure he did!! If I don't see you before you leave - have TONS of fun!!

  16. Lacey, enjoy your time away. Sending prayers for a safe trip. Will you be seeing Zoey? Squeeze the whole family for me if you do.
    Anyway have a super time, you soooo deserve it!

  17. Lord Jesus I just thank you right now for little Jaxson and his wonderful family. I ask Lord that you would be with them as they travel to California. Keep them safe Lord and may your peace be with them throughout the trip Lord. May you allow them the rest and much needed relaxation they deserve Lord. This we ask in your name. Amen! God Bless you and have a Blast!

  18. Praying that you have a great trip and all goes smoothly!

  19. I can't wait to meet you next weekend!!! Have a safe trip.

  20. He is looking mighty cute in that MM hat. I'll be sending up a prayer that he does well on vacation.
