Monday, August 24, 2009

First pics

We are home.


I'm now trying to catch up on other people's going's on in the blog world, so tomorrow morning I will tackle that. I'm so tired, Jax hasn't been sleeping very good, and of course you always stay up late on vacation. So I'm off to bed.
I thought I would start off the vacation pics. These are from the first couple of days.

This is on the way down we stopped in Mesquite for the night and woke up to find Bumblebee in the parking lot. The boys had a fit of course. Luckily, the owner didn't see us crazy people taking pics in front of his car.

I you remember our cousins stepfather flies airplanes. When Mondo heard that, of course he was hooked. I was very excited for him because the poor boy is always left out these days. The stepdad was very nice to him. Took him and the other kids to the airfield and showed him how to fly. He said Mondo was a natural, and even gave him an airplane to take home and practice with. How nice was that?


Stephanie said...

Very cool for your boys. Those planes are big. Looks like a fun start...waiting for more pics.

The VW's said...

Sorry that you have to be home again, but it's good to hear from you and see pictures of your family! I'm glad for you that you had a great time! Prayers continue for you and Jax! HUGS!!!

Unknown said...

How cool! My husband is so jealous of the boys right now. He would love to join a group of "fliers". Glad you're back. I missed your posts.

Sophia said...

That looks like lots of fun for the boys. Sorry you have to be home again.

Junior said...

That is soooo neat, looks like you have a future pilot there.

Anonymous said...

So glad you are home...welcome back my dear! Great photos so boys would have been just as crazy over Bumble Bee, heck they were crazy at your house with all those transformers! :) Get some sleep my friend, and can't wait to see the rest of the photos!

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

I'm glad you are home safe and sound! Mondo sure was excited about getting that plane. He told me all about it! LOL

I can't wait to see the rest of your pictures. :)

Kristin said...

Welcome back :) Glad you had a safe (and fun) trip.

Rioux Family said...

I would have thrown a fit over the Bumblebee too! And did you know Matt's dad has his own real plane? Even though I think he's going to sell it soon

Reagan Leigh said...

Oh my goodness. I just watched the video and I SO feel for you and your family. Sometimes it is just so not fair what these kids have to go through. By the way, someone did a great job with that video, Reagan loved the music, she was smiling the whole time! I will definitely be keeping Jaxson and your family in my prayers. Glad you were able to get away and enjoy some family time together.

Tausha said...

Love that you found Bumble Bee. I love that car!!! Looks like you had a fun drive to Cali.

Alan Anderson said...

So glad you are safely home. Now comes the fun part of vacation - catching up - blogs, laundry, mail etc. Your Mesquite stop looked like a lot of fun - those airplanes would be so fun to fly!