
Monday, July 6, 2009

New haircut baby

yesterday we went swimming. It was definitly warm enough to take Jax in the pool this time, after the 4th of July heat experience. Of course, I forgot my camera, I won't forget next time, I promise. Jax loved the water, as long as its warm, he could just hang out in there forever. I only kept him in for about a half hour, because thats about how long he can go without his O's.
Today I took him to get his hair cut. I could tell it was getting to long because his legendary mohawk wouldn't stay up.
I just put a button on here so if you want a car magnet, you can just order it on here. Remember they are 5 dollars, and all money goes to giving blankies to kids.

We have been super busy with daddy stuff around here. He is in school right now. We are getting fall stuff done, and working out kinks in financial aid stuff. He is also applying at any police force in Cali that is hiring. We thought he was going to have to go out on the 25th to take a test for LA sheriff, but the test was full, so he'll be going down sometime in August. If he can get hired on in Cali, they will pay him while he's going through the academy, and we can get down there faster. Yeah.
Also, tomorrow Lily is having another give away on her blog, so make sure you check it out. Rebecca won the swimming pool and towel last time, so go over and enter to win. Also make sure to check out the raffle items while your there.


  1. Love the new doo!! You must send pics of the next swim.

  2. Awesome haircut! He looks adorable... as always! Good luck to your husband.

  3. Love the new haircut!! We got back from camping yesterday and I am trying to catch up on all that happened over the weekend. Sounds like a fun fourth for your family. And what is up with the stitches on poor Jaxson - that is crazy that no one remembered to take them out???

  4. I like your new haircut Jax!!! It's so funny since Dillon need's his haircut too;)

    Very Cute spikes!

  5. Faster to Cali ... does that sound great or what??And did you know Mr.Jax that your girlfriend at a mohawk for the longest time??Actually it was dubbed the Zohawk by her primary nurses.I was always sad to see it go!Love to you all.Wishing Ray all the best as the kinks get worked out.You'll do great Ray and it will all work out ... I just know it.

  6. He is so cute! Hope Christopher likes his pool as much as Jaxson likes the water. Maybe he could "chat" w/ Christopher. LOL!


  7. I didn't think that Jax could get any cuter, but I was wrong! That hair cut makes him look EXTRA squeezable! You are killing me! I need to get my hands on that boy!

    I'm so jealous that Jax like water! Gavin could learn a thing or two from him! Glad you had a fun day swimming!

    Prayers that the job and school thing goes smoothly for all of you! But, are you sure that you want to move to CA? Michigan is SO MUCH better! :) HUGS!

  8. I'm loving the new doo!!!!!!!
