
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Another giveaway

Lily is doing another giveaway today. Its a little boys t-shirt and a waterbottle. So if you have a little boy or know of one, go over and enter to win. The winner will be announced tonight, or in the morning for a lot of you.

Things are still fairly quiet. I'm sending another email off to our hemo in hopes he's heard from Boston. Jax has been super puffy the last few days, and really cranky. So the headaches may be getting worse again. I wish they would hurry up, it makes me crazy thinking about the decision of surgery or not. How do I make that decision with my own baby? I want everything done for him, but how do I determine if the risk outweighs the benefit? Yikes.
Oh and does anyone want to come over and help me docorate? The inside and outside. Inside my house is seriously bare. And we are cutting out some grass in the front to put some flowers and plants, but I'm so not creative. Any great ideas would be appreciated.

Oh and one more thing. The blankie video is now up on Youtube. I don't know how to get it to come up with different illnesses. I put them under key words. I don't know much about Youtube. Again, any advice would be helpful.


  1. All I can tell you about the Youtube video is when I searched Jaxsons blankies, it came up. And you might (I don't know for sure) have to put something up saying that you don't own the song that's playing with it, because youtube can take just the song away and make it a mute video if they want. I don't know what makes them do it, but I've seen it done. Love the video =)

  2. I will put it on Facebook and our youtube page!

  3. I wish that Boston would get back to you!!! Why does it take so long?! If you knew if they would do it or not, then at least you could make a decision and not have this hanging over your head all the time! I'll be praying that you hear something soon!

    I would love to come over to help you decorate! Except that there is a matter of many miles...hhm! Once I got there I'd probably just sit and cuddle with Jax anyway, and I would be no help to you! :) HUGS!

  4. Scrap the whole house and move here to California's that for a decorating idea?Sweet Jax,just wish an answer come soon.Hate limbo and hate that he is probably uncomfortable again.Kiss him for me and praying that you hear something soon.

  5. Man ... I wish they would hurry up and make a decision! Poor Jaxson ... just thinking about him having headaches makes me so sad. :(

  6. Yes, Mom went on the Jurrasic Park ride. The Simpsons ride is the newest thing to the park I think. It's kind of like Star Tours in Disneyland only better! The thing you sit in moves up so no matter where you look, it looks like your really where they want you to be (make sense?) It was intense enough to have Mom screaming with her eyes shut and Matt got motion sick haha. I loved it
