
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hangin tough

We are on the floor. No more fevers. They've started feeds, very slow. 10 mls and hour and their staying there through the night. His stomach is distended so they don't want to rock the boat.
He hasn't done well pain wise this time. They've had a hard time controlling the pain, and when he is awake he is extremely agitated. When he gets mad he drops his sats and turns blue as blue. He is on 1 liter of oxygen, so not too bad. Carter had his last baseball game tonight so Jax hospital "babysitter" came up to sit with him so I could go.

Don't know what the plan is. Just increase feeds. They've flushed the cecostomy, but nothing has come out below yet. His bowels are still in shock from the surgery and not moving too well, so I'm trying not to freak out that its not working. Give it some time. We have a good attending. One that knows Jax well, and has also seen first hand how naughty he can be so she is not taking any chances. It makes life so much easier when you have a good doctor that you don't have to argue with.

I better get my but in bed, I know we won't likely be getting much sleep around here.


  1. No being naughty tonight okay Jax?You need to rest and momma does too.Hoping for a smooth recovery.Praying that your time there is short and you can make your way home before too long.Your one brave little man Jax and we love you so much.

  2. Poor little man! I pray that he does much better with the pain soon! Glad to hear that he has a good doctor! Keep "hangin tough" Jaxson and Momma! I'll keep praying! Love and Hugs!!!

  3. Still got you all in our prayers!!!!

  4. I sure hope he can be free from pain. Poor little guy. He sure is one tough sweet heart. I love his babysitter. SHE is amazing!

  5. Praying hard for your quick recovery...sending lotsa love your way, too :O) You are very fortunate to have a wonderful dr for Jaxson, that makes all the difference in the world!

  6. Thanks for the update. I'm glad you have a great doctor - makes all the difference. Keeping you in my prayers.

  7. What a beautiful boy Jax is and a brave loving Mom! You are both in my prayers

  8. I'm praying that they can get Jaxson's pain under control. How was Carter's b-ball game? Did they win?

  9. Keeping you all in our prayers. Jax you behave tonight little guy, no more giving mom and the docs a bad time.

  10. I'm praying everyday for you Jax and Lacey.

  11. they have also told me that the narcotics slow down the gut - so that might be slowing things down a little - I am so hoping that things go well and this is an uneventful stay - just heal and go home

  12. Two nights ago as I was lying in bed saying my prayers, I think I dozed off before I finished and couldn't remember if I go to Jax (I know you shouldn't do it while lying in bed). So last night, I made sure that Jax was the FIRST person I prayed for because I felt so guilty about maybe missing him the night before. I just want his pain to go away and for him to be BETTER so you all can enjoy your summer.

  13. Sweet little guy...praying he gets to where he needs to be so you can take him home. How long do you think you'll be there, any plan? I am tryin to plan out when we can drive down. I do have all the kiddos though! Much love to you and Jax!

  14. Hang in there Lacey, Jax is gonna come around!

  15. AS always we're thinking of you and Jax!!! Hugs from CT!

  16. I'm glad you got to go to the game, and don't freak out too much. The after effects of the anesthesia and the pain meds can plug up a healthy set of intestines so it's just gonna take some time and patience. Take a deep breath Mama and try to get some rest. You've earned it.

  17. What a tough cookie! Continued prayers. Glad you got a chance to get away for a bit. Mommies need a break once in awhile.

  18. Lacey
    Bless your heart. Just catching up on your blog since I haven't had the capibility to get online much and oh my are really going through it again! We are lifting up sweet Jaxson and you of course too. KNOW how painful it is to see your child hurting. Praying rest for you tonight! Blessings,
    Mandy (and Evie)

  19. Hello Lacey and Jaxon and the family, i have heard SO much about you and your amazing kids from my sister Megan. I had to come and say hello and see how Jaxon is doing? Sending prayers for his recovery and for strength for an amazing Mom! God Bless, Samm, Mark, Deqlan , Logan

  20. Still praying for you Jax!!! I hope that things are going better for you! You are such a tough little guy! I hope that you get home soon and that you are feeling better! HUGS!!! Say Hi to your mom for me!
